NewsCamilla's first appearance as future queen

Camilla's first appearance as future queen

For her jubilee on Sunday, Queen Elizabeth had expressed the wish that Duchess Camilla should call herself Queen when her son Charles becomes king.

Bath – In her first appearance as the future queen, Duchess Camilla (74) attended a primary school. The wife of Britain’s heir to the throne, Prince Charles, was greeted by flag-waving children at Roundhill Primary School in the western English city of Bath on Tuesday.

“What’s your name? Nice to meet you,” Camilla said to one of the children. Then she took part in an elementary school lesson and planted a tree with ten-year-olds. Pupils participate in the Queen’s Green Canopy tree planting event to mark the 70th Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II (95).

For her anniversary on Sunday, the Queen expressed a “strong desire” that her daughter-in-law Camilla be crowned Queen when Charles becomes King after Elizabeth’s death. That the wives of kings are crowned as “Queen Consort” is actually the rule. However, in the case of Camilla, who was blamed for breaking up Prince Charles and Princess Diana decades ago, the issue has long been moot. dpa

The Queen's Jubilee Cookbook

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