FunNature & AnimalHow do koalas drink water?

How do koalas drink water?

For a long time, it was believed that koalas obtained the water they needed from the leaves they consumed; and that, therefore, they did not need to drink much water to live. However, new research has yielded an exciting result: These images are proof that koalas lick tree trunks when it rains to get the water they need . The study has been led by the University of Sydney.

“For a long time, we thought that koalas didn’t need to drink much because they got most of the water they need to survive on the leaves they feed on,” according to Dr. Valentina Mella, from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences. “But now we have observed them licking the water off tree trunks. This significantly alters our understanding of how koalas get water in the wild. It is very exciting.”

Drought in Australia

Over the past year, Australia has endured one of the worst fire seasons in its history. Today, it continues to experience the longest dry spell ever documented, with severe rainfall deficits and record highs . Koalas experience severe heat stress events and mass mortality in prolonged hot and dry conditions, and spend more time drinking at man-made water stations if rainfall is scarce.

Further research could investigate when and why koalas in different areas need access to free water, and whether supplementation with water is necessary for some populations. This study also demonstrates that koalas depend on trees also to access free water and highlights the importance of maintaining trees for the conservation of the species.

This is how koalas hydrate

Each day, wild koalas eat around 510 grams of eucalyptus leaves and the water in the foliage they feed on is believed to contribute about three-quarters of their water consumption in both summer and winter.

In captivity, koalas have been observed to drink from man-made reserves, but this behavior has often been considered unusual and is attributed to illness or severe heat stress. However, anecdotal reports suggest that koalas in their own habitat drink from water holes in summer when temperatures exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

Koalas have also been observed to approach humans to access water in bottles, gardens, and swimming pools during drought and after fire. But this is considered an unusual occurrence.

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