Living"I am pregnant and I feel like I am...

"I am pregnant and I feel like I am short of breath": why does this happen to me and when should I see my doctor?

During pregnancy, a woman’s respiratory function is affected by various factors, such as the action of hormones and the alteration of the position of the diaphragm by increasing the position of the uterus. This causes a feeling of shortness of breath and fatigue that becomes more noticeable in the third trimester.

We explain in detail why this discomfort occurs and when it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Dyspnea of the pregnant woman

The sensation of shortness of breath during pregnancy is called ‘dyspnea of the pregnant woman’, and according to the Fundación Argentina de Tórax it is estimated that it occurs in 60-70% of pregnant women , especially before week 19 and after from the 31st week of gestation.

Although the causes of physiological dyspnea during pregnancy are not precisely known, it appears to have to do with increased progesterone and an excessive response of peripheral and central chemical receptors, which induce ventilation much higher than actual metabolic demands .

Shortness of breath is also often associated with the mechanical changes that occur due to abdominal expansion -especially from the second half of pregnancy-, which causes the respiratory muscles to weaken due to the elevation of the diaphragm , decreasing the capacity expansion of the rib cage.

It is important to mention that although it is an annoying symptom, the physiological dyspnea of the pregnant woman does not entail risks for the health of the baby , as it is a slight and temporary discomfort that does not affect the level of oxygen that reaches her through the placenta .

Symptoms of dyspnea in healthy pregnant women

Physiological dyspnea in healthy pregnant women occurs gradually (that is, as the pregnancy increases) and its symptoms are mild. In addition, they do not manifest with the same intensity always, nor is it a constant sensation.

It is very common for this shortness of breath to occur when the pregnant woman is sitting , as she lets her weight fall on the abdomen and this compresses the diaphragm even more. But it is also very likely that you will feel short of breath when you exercise during the last stage of pregnancy, since, as we have seen, the volume of the gut can make it difficult for the rib cage to expand.

It is important to mention that although it is an annoying symptom, the physiological dyspnea of the pregnant woman does not entail risks for the health of the baby , as it is a slight and temporary discomfort that does not affect the level of oxygen that reaches her through the placenta .

How to combat “shortness of breath” in pregnancy

Although it is a one-off annoyance, if at any time you feel short of breath, you can put into practice the deep and mindful breathing exercises taught in the childbirth preparation courses.

Also relaxation techniques, changing posture (for example, getting up from sitting), walking, resting and lying on the left side can help you improve.

How to differentiate dyspnea of pregnancy from other respiratory problems

Although physiological dyspnea during pregnancy is completely normal and happens very frequently, it is recommended that you discuss this with your doctor or midwife to ensure that everything is going well.

Likewise, it is important to differentiate this common discomfort from other health problems that could occur during pregnancy and that require urgent medical attention .

Thus, for example, if you have some of these symptoms associated with that “shortness of breath” that we have been mentioning, it is necessary to consult your doctor:

  • Sudden, progressive and severe onset respiratory problems.
  • Palpitations, weakness, tremors, or dizziness.
  • Presence of cough associated with shortness of breath or worse at night.
  • Noticing “noises” in the chest, wheezing or snoring.
  • Facial paleness or discolored or bluish lips.
  • If the dyspnea is accompanied by pain or pressure in the chest, constant fatigue or interferes with the performance of daily activities.
  • If, in addition to dyspnea, other symptoms associated with COVID appear, such as fever, cough or headaches.

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