LivingNine truths and three lies about sex in pregnancy

Nine truths and three lies about sex in pregnancy

Let’s make things clear from the beginning: sex in pregnancy is not contraindicated at all, except in very specific medical cases, and is even beneficial for the mother and her baby.

Even so, it is not strange that the future mother is afraid of having sexual relations “if it hurts her child” , since false myths still circulate that advise against sexual life during pregnancy. Therefore, in order to banish them once and for all, we tell you nine truths and the occasional lie about sex in pregnancy.

May harm the baby (FALSE)

It is wrongly thought that certain positions can hurt you, that semen can affect you, or that the child may feel intercourse as unpleasant. However, none of these beliefs have any foundation.

As the Mayo Clinic explains, inside the mother’s abdomen, the baby is perfectly protected, surrounded by amniotic fluid, uterine membranes and walls. The cervix, located at the bottom of the vagina, can become aroused during sexual intercourse, but it is not dangerous, since a plug of mucus seals the entrance to the uterus. It is impossible for the penis to touch the child!

Sex is good for our son (TRUE)

As you read it. Practicing sex is not only not bad, but it brings positive feelings to the baby, who usually remains still throughout the activity, since the rocking caused by the movements of the mother of the mother relaxes or sleeps. As she perceives the maternal sensations, after the sexual act, she remains calm and happy, and she passes it on to her son.

But there is more: intercourse increases the blood flow in the uterus, which makes the baby oxygenate better. And although it is true that the heart rate of the little one increases during sexual intercourse, then it returns to its normal rhythm without problems.

Orgasm improves, without risks (TRUE)

It is true that orgasm produces a contraction of the uterus, but rest assured that having it does not imply that you go into labor. The contractions that can be felt during or immediately after orgasm are totally different from those associated with labor.

On the contrary, endorphins are released that invade all the cells of the body producing an intense sensation of well-being. In addition, as these natural chemicals cross the placenta, the baby becomes infected with that state of happiness.

But there is more. The action of pregnancy hormones causes the mother’s blood flow to increase by almost 50 percent, especially in the pelvic region. Hence, sexual intercourse is more pleasant and orgasms more intense. It will be a matter of practice.

Who said the spark goes out? (FAKE)

Don’t be scared by false myths. The sex life of a woman or a couple can remain great and regular even when a baby is on the way. In fact, having sex is recommended and safe for the couple, it favors intimacy and reinforces feelings in a very special moment, improving the physical and emotional connection.

It reinforces the role of a sexed woman, not only that of a future mother, it also helps us to continue activating partner roles, increases self-esteem, makes us assimilate body changes in a more positive way, and thereby favors the transition to sexuality after childbirth.

And if it was not enough:

  • Sex can relieve pain and discomfort typical of pregnancy , such as back pain or headaches.

  • It involves some physical exercise, always recommended.

  • When practicing it , endorphins, the happiness hormone, are released, which makes you feel better.

The woman’s libido is still very present (TRUE)

It is likely that women go through times when sexual desire decreases, especially in the first trimester due to the typical discomforts such as nausea and abdominal pain, and in the final stretch of pregnancy due to the size and pressure of the belly .

During the second trimester, as the discomfort is overcome, the desire tends to reappear. In general, it seems to be the fullest moment, but each woman is a world, and there are those who feel an increase in desire from the beginning of pregnancy.

But just as in some women the desire decreases, for others sex during pregnancy is more pleasant. Especially in the first months, since the increase in blood supply causes greater sensitivity to the genital area and increases vaginal discharge. That means that the vagina becomes more sensitive and is better lubricated.

To this is added the liberation due to the fact of not having to use contraception, which together with the joy of being pregnant, increases the sexual appetite.

The only limitation is to take precautions if you have sex with a partner whose sexual history you do not know or who may have a sexually transmitted disease, such as herpes, genital warts, yeast infection or HIV.

If you get infected, you can pass the disease to your baby. In these cases, you should always try to use a condom.

Your partner avoids sex because you are fat (FALSE)

Many women find that they lose the desire and motivation to have sex in late pregnancy, not only because of their size but because they are worried about the impending delivery and the excitement of being a mother. And even some because they look fat and believe that their partner is going to reject them.

But it’s not like that. The reasons for your desire for sex to increase or decrease depends on other factors. Some feel even closer to their pregnant partner and enjoy the changes in their body. Others may have fewer desires due to anxiety about the weight of parenthood or due to concerns for the health of both the mother and the unborn child.

Your partner may find it difficult to accept your identity as a sexual partner now that you have a new (increasingly visible) identity as a pregnant mother. Once again, remember that talking about it with your partner can be of great help in dealing with these problems.

It is also advisable in the first trimester (TRUE)

Sexual intercourse is welcome during all months of pregnancy, as it brings benefits to women. That means that you can have sex at any stage, since it is not contraindicated, except if your gynecologist advises against it because there is some disease or pathology in pregnancy , such as genital bleeding.

But if you do not have serious diseases or a risk pregnancy, you should not worry about miscarrying the pregnancy. According to the Mayo Clinic, having sex does not cause a miscarriage . Most occur because the fetus is not developing normally.

Anal sex is allowed with precautions (TRUE)

It has long been insisted that pregnant women avoid anal sex. However, this practice does not entail any major problem, except for complications and a specific medical indication. Of course, with some caveats and cares.

We must avoid it, or practice it carefully, in case of hemorrhoids (common in pregnancy) and avoid going from anal to vaginal penetration, as this could cause infections. In these cases, we can wash in the bathroom or change the condom.

Making love in the last few weeks can speed up labor (TRUTH)

Although some research rules it out, it seems that having sex in the final stretch of pregnancy is a natural way to speed up labor when it does not arrive. The explanation could lie in the fact that sperm contains prostaglandins, which are precisely the hormones used to induce labor.

Ideally, you should make love by ejaculating the man inside the vagina. If you also reach orgasm, all the better, because of the contractions in the uterus.

But it is also good, even if it does not trigger it, because sex activates receptors in the brain that help calm the pains of contractions. For this reason, it is recommended to have intercourse to reduce the pain that precedes childbirth, although not to practice it once the water has broken, due to the risk of infection.

There are more suitable postures than others according to the trimester (TRUE)

  • At the beginning of pregnancy , the abdomen has not grown much and continues to maintain mobility and flexibility, so it is perhaps the most comfortable time to have sex. Any posture is welcome.

In addition, during this first trimester of pregnancy, libido increases, making it easier and more pleasant to reach orgasm.

  • In the second trimester , the pregnant woman already has more gut, which begins to hinder her mobility and flexibility. You can continue to maintain a normal sexual activity, although trying to avoid certain positions that put a lot of pressure on the abdomen.

Therefore, a position with the woman on top of the man may be recommended, being also one of the most comfortable and pleasant options for women. The woman will be able to release the pressure from her abdomen and control the intensity and depth of the sexual act at all times. Any variation of this sexual position, in which the woman is placed on top, will be very comfortable in this period.

  • Third trimester . Also the penetration from behind, commonly known as the “puppy” position , is one of the most comfortable, since it allows a lot of mobility and leaves the belly free. Also that of “la cucharita” , one of the most suitable. In it, the woman will lie on her side and the man will stand behind her. When the penetration is performed from behind, the abdomen is released from any type of pressure.

In this last stage, it is very important to avoid positions in which the woman lies on her back, since the weight of the belly, especially as the moment of delivery approaches, can exert pressure and hinder the correct functioning of the blood supply. .

It must be avoided before alarm signals (TRUTH)

If when making love you notice pain, discomfort or cramps, very strong contractions, if there are bleeding or loss of amniotic fluid, you have to give up sex, since it could cause abortion or premature delivery of the baby. As we have commented, it is also contraindicated if you have already broken your water, due to the risk of infection.

It should also be avoided if your doctor tells you if you have a disease such as placental insufficiency, placenta previa, diabetes, asthma, heart problems or genital infections.

Sex is not just intercourse (ABSOLUTE TRUTH)

In case the doctor indicates that it is contraindicated or that simply despite everything explained, you do not feel like it, we must remember that intercourse is not the only way to achieve intimacy with the partner, nor the only possible sexual relationship. Kissing, hugging, sensual massage, masturbation, sexual games, and oral sex can be other ways to satisfy desire.

In the case of oral sex, an important point must be taken into account: the partner should not blow into the pregnant woman’s vagina. Normally it does not happen, but if it does, the entry of air could cause an embolism (a blood vessel blocked by an air bubble), with serious consequences for the mother and the baby.

In short, the important thing is to lose fear and understand that with a minimum of precautions, the baby is not at risk. Both the pregnant woman and her partner will surely find a way to enjoy sex during these special nine months.

Via | Mayo Clinic and Kids Health

Photos | iStock

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