News"Prince of Wales" drinks beer in the "Prince of...

"Prince of Wales" drinks beer in the "Prince of Wales"

Prince Charles is also happy about the open pubs. The heir to the throne treated himself to a beer and felt like a joke. In the London district of Clapham, however, there was not only one pub on the program.

London – Prince Charles (72) indulged himself a beer in the “Prince of Wales” pub – mainly known as the “Prince of Wales” in Great Britain. During the visit to London, the heir to the throne tapped a pint of bitters, a British pale ale, and sipped it while lifting up his corona protective mask.

Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest son joked that it would be fun to go to every pub in the country called the Prince of Wales. Maybe a free drink would come out of it, said Charles with a laugh, accompanied by his wife Duchess Camilla (73).

Happy pub owner

Bar owner Dermot Connell was delighted with the visit. It’s a good sign that pub visits are safe again, Connell said.

Charles and Camilla’s day visit to the Clapham district was almost reminiscent of pre-Corona times. The two visited a star restaurant, a theater, a flower shop, a hairdressing salon, a pet shop and a fire station. dpa

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