NewsPrince William turns 39: start signal for charity run

Prince William turns 39: start signal for charity run

Prince William himself has a special surprise for his 39th birthday. Queen Elisabeth’s grandson is apparently the starting signal for a good cause.

Sandringham – On the evening before his 39th birthday, Prince William and his two oldest children surprised the participants in a charity run.

Pictures on social networks showed how Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson, son George (7) and daughter Charlotte (6) held a microphone in their hands at Gut Sandringham in eastern England – apparently the three gave the starting signal.

On Monday the family congratulated the future king. “We wish the Duke of Cambridge a happy birthday today!” Tweeted the official Royal Family account. Father Charles sent – also via Twitter – “a very warm congratulations” and two photos: One shows the heir to the throne with a six-month-old William, the other shows father and son, taken not so long ago, together with Charles’ second wife, Duchess Camilla. William finally thanked him “for all the congratulations and kind messages”.

Participants in the charity run on Sunday were happy about the unexpected spectators. “That was a nice surprise and very kind of you,” said Brian Cook of the PA news agency. Hundreds of people took part in the run, covering distances ranging from a mile (1.6 kilometers) to a half marathon.

Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, as the nobleman is officially called, was born on June 21, 1982 at 9:03 p.m. local time. His father is the Queen’s eldest son and heir to the throne – if Charles abdicates or dies, William becomes king.

His mother, Princess Diana, separated from Charles in 1992 and died in a car accident in 1997. William has been married to Catherine Middleton (39) since 2011, his grandmother made him Duke of Cambridge and Kate Duchess at the wedding. The couple have three children in total, but their youngest son Louis (3) did not watch the run. dpa

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