LivingRare rat-borne disease threatens New York

Rare rat-borne disease threatens New York

Even as the world continues to face the COVID-19 pandemic, New York City is on alert for the presence of more than a dozen cases of a rare bacterial disease that is spread through the urine of rats.

Of the 15 people who have been infected with this disease caused by rats, 13 of them have been hospitalized and one of them has died as a result of the infection. Three of the patients were homeless.

Leptospirosis, or, in its most severe form, Weil's disease, is caused by the bacteria Leptospira. It is transmitted to humans through the infected urine of various animals, including cattle, pigs, and dogs, although in New York City, rats are the most common cause.

Most infections occur through direct contact with urine, but they can also be the result of contaminated soil or fresh water.

Fortunately, the disease can be treated with antibiotics. The New York Department of Health has advised avoiding contact with rats, including areas where they may have urinated. If this is not possible, it is recommended to clean the areas where the rats have been, wear rubber gloves and wash your hands.

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