NewsRoyales Christmas at Sandringham on the brink

Royales Christmas at Sandringham on the brink

One thing is certain: there is no way Queen Elizabeth is going to celebrate Christmas alone. But otherwise there are still many question marks.

London – The rapid spread of the omicron variant in Great Britain could also turn Queen Elizabeth II’s plans for the Christmas holidays on their head.

The Royal Family is currently talking to their advisors about various alternatives for the holiday season, the Telegraph reported, citing insider sources.

Actually, after a turbulent year – as usual before the pandemic – the Queen had wanted to meet with her extended family at the East English country estate of Sandringham and go to church there. The date is traditionally part of the royal calendar and is usually accompanied by the media and royal fans.

Instead, a smaller celebration is up for debate. It is also possible that the Queen will stay at Windsor Castle – as in the previous year, which was marked by the pandemic. According to the Telegraph, they definitely want to visit their children and grandchildren and after the death of their husband Prince Philip in April they definitely do not want to leave Christmas alone.

Recently, several cancellations at public appointments had raised concerns about the health of the 95-year-old monarch. According to reports, however, it should have been the Queen’s express wish to return to Sandringham for the festive season this year.

So far, despite the escalating corona situation in England, there are no contact restrictions by the British government for the holidays. However, a tightening will be discussed immediately afterwards.

The Queen had already canceled a planned pre-Christmas meeting before the holidays for security reasons. Usually, the Queen’s children and grandchildren and other royals come together for lunch in Buckingham Palace the week before Christmas. dpa

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