LivingScientific study on pregnancies of more than 40 weeks...

Scientific study on pregnancies of more than 40 weeks canceled due to the death of six babies

A pregnancy is considered full term from week 37, however, we know that the last weeks after this, continue to be essential for the baby, as they help him to continue developing and obtain nutrients through the umbilical cord. Usually, it is best to wait for labor to start on its own, however, much has been studied and analyzed about the week in which it is already considered necessary.

Part of this type of research was a study carried out in Sweden, the objective of which was to analyze those pregnancies that lasted more than 40 weeks, but which were canceled after the death of six babies who were gestated up to week 43 .

The study, of which you can read a doctoral thesis of one of the researchers, was intended to be one of the largest on late-term pregnancies , since it was planned to have the participation of more than 10,000 pregnant women.

However, after the participation of only a quarter of all the women who would be studied, the study was abruptly canceled, since six babies died during it , so the researchers considered that it was unethical to continue with it.

Originally, the idea was to survey 10,000 women across 14 hospitals, and those in week 40 were invited to voluntarily participate in the study. Once they had agreed to join, they were randomly divided into two groups: one in which labor induced labor would be given at the beginning of week 42 and the other at the beginning of week 43 , this if it did not occur spontaneously before that time.

Despite the fact that the research required a large number of women to achieve statistical significance, the six deaths that occurred during its conduct were considered an indicator of the great risk of waiting until week 43 of pregnancy to induce labor , since in In the group where induced deliveries were performed before that week, none of the babies died.

Some hospitals that participated in said research and where the deaths occurred, decided to change their pregnancy management policies as a result of the study, and will begin to offer induction of labor as an option from week 41 , providing enough information for mothers to can make the best decision.

Risks start from week 41

Based on information from the World Health Organization (WHO) on induction of labor in women with full-term or prolonged pregnancies, induction of labor is recommended for women who are known with certainty to have achieved the 41 weeks of gestation .

They clarify that this recommendation is not applicable when it is not possible to reliably estimate gestational age and also comment that there is insufficient evidence to recommend induction of labor before week 41 in uncomplicated pregnancies.

As we have commented on other occasions, when delivery is delayed and week 42 approaches, the possibility of presenting some risks and complications begins to increase. Therefore, although it is better to wait for labor to start naturally, from week 41 onwards, mothers should be offered the possibility of inducing labor .

Photo | iStock
Via | ABC
In Babies and more | Being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in week 42, although both deliveries are at term, what risks are there if the delivery is delayed?

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