
When the baby won't let you do anything and you feel like you're no longer in control of your own routine

Those of us who have been mothers, surely we remember those days that were endless, when our babies were very young and there were days when we could hardly even shower. I now remember them with nostalgia, although at the time they were anything but idyllic and they were a small sample of how hard parenting can be and the loneliness that can be felt at that time in your life.

The role of the father in the first weeks of the baby's life

Fortunately, times have changed and we have proven that the father's role in parenting is very important for both mother and baby from minute one. Fortunately for everyone, behind are the times when he was a mere spectator (and sometimes not even that), in the intense and difficult first weeks of his son.

And after hearing a thousand times that my babies would get used to the arms, I have realized that the one who got used...

There is no mother of older children who I have not heard say "it seems to me that it was yesterday that I had my children in my arms." And yes, it seems like yesterday to me too. In fact, the little girl is two years old and I swear to you that the feeling of wanting to cradle her is such that sometimes the nostalgia invades me to know that those moments will not return.

Eleven tips to achieve a more sustainable parenting

Now it is common to hear about the carbon footprint of each activity we do. Having children does not escape these studies, according to which each one of them supposes an emission of 58.6 tons of CO2, data that have led to currents such as anti-natalism, since people are afraid of the possible scenarios in which their children have to live and the contamination that having them supposes. However, the path may be different: having fewer children is not necessarily the salvation of the planet, but it can be (in addition to a change in the world economic system), assuming our individual responsibility in the face of climate change, committing ourselves to live off a more sustainable one.

We expect too much of children, when what we should do is change our expectations about childhood

Anyone who has had children or taken responsibility for their care can tell you how exhausting parenting can be. And I'm not saying it in a negative tone, I say it because it is basically about teaching a little boy, whose brain is just developing, to do everything that we already know how to do.

"Looking with children's glasses helps us make our son happy and enjoy upbringing", we spoke with the father and teacher Ares González

"A child is the origin of life, the essence of living. A complete person with rights who is born with all the capacities to develop through exploration, play and love." It is one of the key ideas of Ares González, a teacher of early childhood education and an education trainer.

Nine things your partner (and parent of your children) wants you to know

When the first child is born, the couple's relationship changes, since the arrival of a baby into the world implies a revolution in all aspects that completely alters the rhythm of coexistence that the couple had before becoming parents.

Being a Parent Involved in Parenting Benefits Everyone: The Positive Aspects of Committed Parenthood

Fortunately, more and more parents are involved in the upbringing and education of their children, something that brings important advantages both for the parents themselves, as well as for their partners and of course, for the baby.


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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