Our experiences

Pregnant in summer: seven advantages of living the final stretch of your pregnancy in summer

Summer is here; that time of year that we enjoy everything almost as if we were children. Pool, beach, afternoons in the sun and cookouts. Who can resist the charms of the summer season?

When things don't go as planned: seven cases of expectation vs. reality when you have children

If there is something that being a mother has taught me, it is that we can all change our minds and I have also learned to understand that sometimes not everything we plan is possible to achieve. Many times we think that things are already written or that they will work as we think, but when we do, we are surprised.

The first times of your baby, those special moments that remain in the heart

Living is a wonderful thing, full of experiences that enrich our lives, and there is certainly some magic in the first few times ....

Do you feel guilty because you think you don't spend enough time with your children? It happens to me too and I do this...

A few days ago we talked about the sense of guilt that immediately creeps into our emotional backpack after we become mothers. I really don't know a mother who hasn't ever felt guilty about something she has done or said to her children, or even because of the way they behave.

When you come home with your newborn, these are the only 11 tips you should listen to

When we know that a baby is on the way, we do everything possible to prepare ourselves for the great adventure that we are about to start. We read each other blogs, specialized websites, books and magazines, hoping to absorb as much knowledge as possible that can help us in the coming months.

When you want your baby to be born now because you feel like you can't take it anymore

My two pregnancies have been as different as my daughters are now: the first, very complicated, high risk, with intervals of absolute and relative...

When your baby is born but you continue to caress your belly with nostalgia and believe you feel his kicks inside you

Oh, the pregnancy! How many contradictory feelings it provokes !: Yes "it is a wonderful stage and I want it to last forever", yes "I look great", yes "I can't take it anymore!", Yes "I want my baby to be born now, but at the same time I don't want to "... How curious, right ?!

Are you a mother who finds it difficult to delegate? It happens to many of us

It's time for the baby's bath and the house is upside down. You have to do a thousand things and your partner has told you that he takes care of the bathtub moment while you make dinner. It sounds good to you, so you get to work ... but at a time when you go to the bathroom to see how everything is going, you find that it is already taking it out, but you notice some fluff peeking out from the fold of its small neck. You silently grumble and say, "Let me finish it," as you settle in to bathe him again. If this scene sounds familiar to you, you may be one of those mothers who find it difficult to delegate, and who in the long run, can be overcome by the inequality in the distribution of tasks.


Schedules of the Valencia GP of MotoGP in Cheste and how to see it

The Cheste circuit hosts this weekend, from November 4 to 6, the 2022 MotoGP Comunitat Valenciana GP. See the schedules and all the information.

"Don't talk to me!": Danni Büchner makes a clear announcement to hated party guests

Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.

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