EntertainmentGames'The Last Story'. We finally have its first European...

'The Last Story'. We finally have its first European trailer

You have to see what it has cost to ensure the presence of ‘The Last Story’ in Europe. One of the great soap operas of recent years: sometimes it seemed that yes, then no, the rumors returned again, then they disappeared … Until it was finally confirmed, and after the great ‘Xenoblade Chronicles’, it will be the next, along with the also confirmed ‘Pandora’s Tower’, to reach our territory. And while, ironically, the Americans were, for the moment, of the juicy pie.

Joint project between Nintendo and Mistwalker (‘Blue Dragon’, ‘Lost Odyssey’), with Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of the ‘Final Fantasy’ saga, at the helm, received a not inconsiderable score of 38 out of 40 (which translates into two ten and two nines) in the Japanese magazine Famitsu at the beginning of 2011. Although the taste of the Japanese public is different from the European one. Even so, what we saw about ‘The Last Story’ we liked thanks to the dynamism of its combats, being one of the most colorful action-RPGs in this section, helped in part by the coverage system it has.

The exact date of publication in our country remains to be known, although there were rumors that placed it at the end of February. In any case, arriving will come, so peace of mind in that sense. Here we leave you his first European trailer, which, incidentally, shows a supine laziness on the part of its creators. It is practically the same as the one we saw in July 2010, except for the addition of 2012 and little else. But now it is more enjoyable knowing that we are going to receive it in our territory, right?

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Via | VG247
In Vidaextra | ‘Pandora’s Tower’ presents credentials in its first European trailer, ‘The Last Story’ could change its title for Europe and arrive in February, ‘The Last Story’ looks great in its first trailer

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