LivingThe smell never rests

The smell never rests

The smells that our nose perceives while we sleep condition the content of our dreams , according to a new German study presented yesterday at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology, in Chicago. To reach this conclusion, Boris A. Stuck and his team conducted an experiment in which they exposed a series of subjects to pleasant (pink) and unpleasant (rotten eggs) smells while they slept. When they woke up, the subjects claimed to have had pleasant dreams in the first case, while the experiences were negative when they slept with the annoying stench.

Stuck assures that the results could serve as a starter to develop aromatic night therapies that enhance our rest.

The power of mother's scent on babies is extraordinary

Smell is the most developed sense in the baby at the time of birth, much superior to that we have as adults, to such an extent that it allows it to feed itself by looking for the mother's breast. If the baby is placed on the mother's abdomen in skin-to-skin contact, the baby will instinctively crawl up to her breast. The newborn will crawl, guided by the smell, until it reaches the nipple and begins to suck.

What is the meaning of dreams?

It is said that every night we dream sometime, although not all of us can remember them. Does this imply that there is the meaning of dreams?

Tiredness and sleepiness in pregnancy: why do I feel like I am falling asleep...

One of the first signs of pregnancy is general tiredness and the desire to sleep at all hours. Even this symptom is why some women suspect that they are pregnant before confirming it with a test, because they feel abnormally fatigued and very sleepy.

False myths about sleep

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, but we know very little about what happens to us at this decisive time for our physical and mental health. Popular culture is full of falsehoods and misinterpretations about the act of sleeping. Here are a few.

They get to talk in real time with people who are dreaming

Some of the participants in the experiment were able to answer yes / no answer questions and solve simple math problems.
