FunWhat is the spiritual meaning of peacock feathers

What is the spiritual meaning of peacock feathers

The peacock is one of the most beautiful animals that we can find in our nature. One of its most special characteristics is its feathers that attract attention wherever they walk. For hundreds of thousands of years, these feathers have been the subject of many superstitions and symbolism in many cultures.

Years ago, women wanted to have peacock feathers to have as decoration, but the truth is that this plumage has much more history and has a special symbolism for many cultures.

Gods in other cultures

The interest that many cultures have in the feathers of the peacock is not new. For hundreds of years this animal has already aroused interest. In Greek culture, there were many Hellenes who associated these feathers with the eyes of the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus.

According to this culture, the eyes that are drawn on the feathers of the peacock were magical and served to see everything that happened on Earth, and thereby help the goddess Hera with mortals. It was, therefore, a representation of the gods and wisdom.

Not only for the Greeks the peacock has a special meaning. For Buddhist believers, the fact that the turkey spreads its feathers to show itself as it is, is a sign of truth, purity and positivism.

Similarly, for Hindus, the beauty of turkey plumage has a lot to do with kindness, hope, patience and luck. Therefore, they consider it to be a special animal found on the planet.

A very special animal

The truth is that the peacock is an animal with very special characteristics. For example, it is an animal that usually eats poisonous plants, without this taking its toll, which means that it is an animal that is usually associated with immortality.

In addition, it is a vain specimen, it likes to display itself and show itself with its wings outstretched , that is why in many cultures they associate it with a negative characteristic such as vanity in humans.

Its feather structure is very different from other birds. Its beautiful plumage, bright and luminous, is due to a microscopic crystalline structure that reflects different parts of light waves, something that is not unique in peacocks since they share this strange characteristic with other beings such as hummingbirds or butterflies.

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