LivingWhen to tell the family that you are pregnant?

When to tell the family that you are pregnant?

When we see that the pregnancy test has been positive, what many of us usually do immediately is tell our partner (if he has not been present and has shared the wait with us). After that, the common thing is to start telling people close to us .

But then a question arises, when is the best time to tell the family? Some couples have their doubts when choosing when they will communicate the news of the pregnancy, while others do not give much importance to this and tell it almost as soon as they find out.

We are going to talk then, about the different times when we can tell the family that we are expecting a baby , and the reasons why to wait (or not).

The first weeks

There are a number of reasons why we may choose to wait a bit to break the news, including being cautious in case of problems . This is more common in mothers who have had a problem in other pregnancies, have had a hard time getting pregnant, or have had a miscarriage.

For example, one of the reasons to wait a few weeks or months to announce it is because not all pregnancies go to term. There are cases, for example, in which the test is positive, but for some reason the pregnancy is not viable and an abortion is suffered.

It is known that the early stage of pregnancy is usually the stage of greatest risk , and for this reason many women delay the moment of giving the news until the first ultrasound, when they can already verify that everything is going well.

If you break the pregnancy news soon

This situation is easy to understand: you are expecting a baby! It is natural that they want to communicate it as soon as possible to those close to them, who will surely also feel very happy. It’s really not bad to do it at this stage, but you have to consider the possible scenarios .

For example, if we think about the risks of giving the news in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is that something goes wrong later and we must then give explanations , both to our close family and to friends, if only they knew about it.

But if we have shared it openly from the beginning, we may also face questions and comments from acquaintances and others about the pregnancy, which can be emotionally difficult.

If, on the contrary, everything goes well in the pregnancy, in the worst case , nine months will be experienced with many questions about everything: how we feel, what name will we give it, what fears we have, as well as the typical unsolicited advice.

The latter is not bad or negative, as it is natural and very normal for people who love us to be curious, but for some women so much attention and questions can be overwhelming.

If you break the news since several weeks have passed

Many women lean towards this option, and they break the news when the pregnancy has already been several weeks , particularly around week 12, which is when the end of the first trimester comes and the risks of something going wrong are reduced.

In this case, and returning to the topic of questions and advice, the time will be less, since it will only be six months for the others, also coinciding with the second trimester, where many of the typical discomforts of pregnancy disappear and can be easier answer your questions.

On the other hand, the part that can be considered negative is that some people feel offended or upset because we did not tell them before, taking it as a lack of trust or communication.

In the end, the decision is personal

The decision to wait or not to communicate the pregnancy is something that may depend on these and many other personal factors of each couple. Ultimately, the decision about the best time to tell the family that we are pregnant is a personal one and must be respected .

In my case, my parents and sister were the first to know almost immediately, but I waited until 12 weeks to break the news to extended family and friends, as it was what made me feel most comfortable.

And you? When did you break the news that you were pregnant?

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