LivingEating an improved diet and being more physically active...

Eating an improved diet and being more physically active in pregnancy modifies the DNA of babies in mothers with obesity

In Babies and more we have talked on several occasions about the risks that can occur in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, both in the mother and in the baby, when the mother is overweight or obese. Therefore, it is recommended that if we plan to get pregnant, we do not wait and prepare in advance taking care of our health.

However, in the case of mothers who have conceived while being overweight, a new study found that eating an improved diet and being more physically active in pregnancy would modify their babies’ DNA, reducing the potential health risks they could have. introduce yourself .

The study

Published in the medical journal PlosMed, the study carried out in the United Kingdom analyzed the data of more than 550 pregnant women with obesity and gestational diabetes, in order to discover how important changes in their diet and physical activity impact their babies’ health .

Compared with a control group that did not make any changes, those mothers with obesity and gestational diabetes who received nutritional counseling, reduced their fat intake and were more physically active, gained fewer pounds of weight during pregnancy, and exhibited a healthier metabolism .

Previous studies have found that gestational diabetes and high glucose levels in the mother are related to changes in the functioning and functional patterns of the DNA of their babies, so the findings of this study could be positive for those who suffer from this type of problems, since everything seems to indicate that the introduction of a healthy diet and exercise can help to significantly reduce these epigenetic changes in the children of mothers with diabetes.

In conclusion, and according to the authors of the study, these results suggest that improving the diet and physical activity of mothers would have a considerable impact on the development of their babies , but further research is needed to know if reducing these epigenetic changes – resulting from a healthier pregnancy – is accompanied by an improvement in the health of your children in the long term.

Remember that during pregnancy it is highly recommended to eat a balanced diet, as well as to carry out physical activity , which, as we have seen through this and other studies, since both help reduce the risk of complications or health problems and improve the health of mom and baby.

Photo | iStock
Via | News Medical
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