LivingRecipesFat croissants recipe: learn how to prepare this classic...

Fat croissants recipe: learn how to prepare this classic of Argentine bakeries

Fat croissants are a must in any good Argentine bakery. Similar to the well-known butter croissants, they have a saltier flavor and a crisper texture. This pleasant combination is the result of the substitution of traditional butter for beef fat in the preparation of its filling. Next, we bring you a very easy fat croissant recipe, ideal to make at home and delight the palate of the whole family. Read on and take note! INGREDIENTS: For the dough: Flour: 500 gr. Water: 300 ml Fresh yeast: 7 g Sugar: 30 g Salt: 15 g Oil: necessary quantity For the filling: Beef fat: 100 g Margarine: 100 g Flour: 50 g PREPARATION: The first thing we will do is prepare the filling. This step is very simple: we just have to mix the three ingredients and work them until we get a soft paste. We booked. To make the dough for the fat croissants, we start by mixing the warm water with the yeast, sugar and salt. We make sure that the yeast dissolves completely. In a large bowl, place the flour, leaving a hole in the center, where we add the yeast dissolved in water. We unite the ingredients and work the mixture with our hands to form a dough. We let rest so that the dough rises correctly. Ideally, leave it for at least 4 hours, or until double in size. With the dough already fermented, we proceed to the assembly of the whole. We roll out the dough and distribute the filling over the middle of the stretched surface. Next, we fold the dough on itself and stretch again. Cut into two wide strips and roll to form a long cylinder. We let the dough rest for 20 minutes.Next, we cut the cylinder into portions of approximately 25 grams and wait another 20 minutes for the dough to relax. Now is the time to shape the fat croissants. To do this, we stretch each piece of dough and roll them back on themselves, until we obtain approximately 10 cm rolls. Then, from the center to the sides, we stretch each roll with our hands, and we finish giving them the characteristic crescent shape. We place the fat croissants on a previously greased baking sheet and cook them for 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 ° C. Clever! You already have your croissants in the best Argentine style, you can taste them while they are still warm or at room temperature. You can also spread them or cut them in half to add the filling that you like the most. They are exquisite and very versatile, go ahead and try them!

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