LivingPregnant women with Covid-19 are less likely to show...

Pregnant women with Covid-19 are less likely to show symptoms, but may need intensive care

We already have many months with the coronavirus present in our lives, but the investigations of its effects are still ongoing. In the case of pregnant women, we know that this virus is unlikely to be transmitted from mother to baby during pregnancy.

On the other hand, it has been found that pregnant women are less likely to show coronavirus symptoms, however, a new study concluded that they are at higher risk of needing intensive care and giving birth early .

Published in the British Medical Journal , this new research is a systematic review and meta-analysis of 77 studies conducted on coronavirus in pregnancy . One of the main concerns of women expecting a baby during the pandemic are the possible risks that may arise.

According to this study and as we mentioned a few months ago, pregnant women tend to be asymptomatic , so they are less likely to have fever and muscle aches, unlike women of the same age who are not waiting a baby.

But on the other hand, and also compared to women of the same age who were not pregnant, those who are expecting a baby have a higher risk of needing intensive care due to the coronavirus.

Of course, there are certain conditions that could make the coronavirus severe during pregnancy , such as having an advanced maternal age, a high body mass index, or pre-existing medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.

On the other hand, in the case of pregnant women who have been infected with coronavirus, the risk of giving birth before their time also increases , making them more likely to have a premature delivery than those pregnant women who did not become infected with the virus.

These results not only serve to be able to identify in time the possible risks that may arise, but also, so that women who are pregnant know and remember the importance of attending their prenatal consultations and following the instructions of their doctor .

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