LivingRecipesRadish salad recipe

Radish salad recipe

Hot nights, when the day ends, invite a fresh salad of radishes with spinach . Easy to make, this salad takes very little work and is ready in minutes. It is special to end one of those overwhelming days, in which when you get home you just want peace, calm and rest. Enjoying this salad of radishes and spinach is an excellent end of the day , especially if you share it with your partner, with your family or with your friends. And think about it accompanied by a good fresh white wine. A total delight.

Nutritionally it is a source of vitamins and fibers and low in calories, ideal for summer diets. Radishes have abundant vitamins A and C and make a good supply of calcium and magnesium . Therefore, they promote bone health and the autoimmune system, which must always be kept strong.

Benefits for the body

Radishes are highly recommended for the digestive system, because they have detoxifying properties. They are an excellent diuretic that deflates and disinfects the urinary tract. For its part, spinach reinforces that dose of vitamins and minerals in radishes. And they add fibers, which promote intestinal transit. They are an excellent duo that feed without gaining weight.

Here is the recipe for a healthy and delicious radish and spinach salad, to which is added a touch of lemon that gives it a perfect finish.


  • 300 grams of radishes, if possible small
  • 150 grams of spinach, if they are baby better
  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 80 grams of the string cheese that is preferred
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs, cooked
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil
  • For the optional alternative dressing

    • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
    • 2 tablespoons of honey Rábanos

    How do you make this nutritious salad of radishes and spinach with a touch of lemon?

    1. The radishes and spinach are well washed.
    2. The spinach are cut into strips and the radishes into slices. Both the spinach strips and the radish slices should be thin.
    3. Cut the hard-boiled eggs into quarters.
    4. In a bowl or source, put the cut spinach. The radish slices are placed on top.
    5. Add salt and pepper to your liking.
    6. The lemon juice is mixed with the zest and a little oil and the vegetables are watered at the moment of serving.
    7. The platter is finished with the quarters of hard-boiled eggs and the string cheese.


    • If a vegan salad is preferred, the eggs and cheese will be removed.
    • It goes very well with chunks of blue cheese, walnuts or olives.
    • It is convenient to present the dressing in a separate sauce boat, so that each guest can decide whether to use it.

    You’ve seen how easy it is to have a dinner ready in minutes. You can serve it alone or accompanying some meat or fish. Have your ingredients ready at home, and you won’t have to think about dinner tonight.

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