LivingSleep during pregnancy, trimester by trimester

Sleep during pregnancy, trimester by trimester

During pregnancy, many changes take place in a woman’s body, due to the hormones that begin to work to carry the baby. One of the things that are affected by these changes are sleeping habits.

As the pregnancy progresses, the mother’s rest undergoes various changes. We are going to review what we can expect in each trimester in relation to the pregnant woman’s sleep .

First term

Generalized tiredness and the desire to sleep at all hours is one of the most typical discomforts at the beginning of pregnancy. This is due to the physical changes that our body has at this stage.

Blood volume begins to increase, making the heart and the organs involved work harder than usual. In addition, in this trimester the placenta and the main organs of the baby are formed, so it is normal for there to be a greater consumption of energy .

At this stage of pregnancy, feeling tired and sleepy is expected, and if we add to this the discomfort from vomiting and emotional stress, it is logical that the body asks for rest, so it is important to attend to this need.

Second quarter

During the second trimester we no longer feel so tired and our body, which has already adapted to all the changes it is experiencing, has a little more energy (compared to the first trimester).

Now, more than feeling tired or sleepy from the work our body is doing, sleep can be affected by second-trimester discomfort that can interrupt our rest or wake us up at night .

For example, in this trimester it is normal for sleep to be affected by circulatory, muscular discomforts such as cramps, or digestive disorders, such as heartburn and indigestion.

At the end of the second trimester, many others will appear that can prevent you from having a restful sleep, such as the weight of the belly that continues to grow and compress the bladder , which causes you to have more frequent awakenings to go to the bathroom.

Third quarter

When we reach the third trimester and final stage of pregnancy, the size of the belly, as well as the concerns about the time of delivery, can affect our quality of sleep. In fact, most women tend to suffer from insomnia when they reach this trimester .

The most common causes of insomnia during this stage are increased urinary frequency, gastroesophageal reflux, restless leg syndrome, and baby movements.

Also, back pain and other muscle discomfort increase, related to the increase in the size of the baby and the belly, which undoubtedly causes difficulties in sleeping in this third trimester.

Tips for a better rest during pregnancy

Poor sleep is harmful at any stage of life, but accumulated fatigue during pregnancy can be the cause of some disorders, such as headaches, or serious complications such as premature birth or gestational diabetes. For this reason, rest at this stage is fundamental and extremely important .

Each woman is different and as we have seen, there are different discomforts that can appear in each trimester, but we share some general tips to have a better rest in pregnancy :

  • Our first recommendation is to rest whenever possible . Any little time is good to take a nap or nap: after lunch or before dinner, and go to sleep earlier than usual.

  • When the urge to urinate frequently begins, it is advisable to go to the bathroom just before going to bed , so that we can sleep for longer periods.

  • You should try to have dinner at least two hours before going to bed , and make light and healthy dinners, especially in the third trimester, when digestive problems such as heartburn and indigestion increase.

  • Avoid drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages. In addition to the complications and risks that its consumption can cause in pregnancy, it can also affect sleep during this stage, so it is best to do everything possible to avoid it.

  • “Disconnect” an hour before starting the break: leave work and turn off the screens. Try to do activities at this time that help you relax, such as reading, meditating, listening to soft music or taking a relaxing bath.

  • Doing moderate exercise in the afternoons can also help us, because in addition to the health benefits for mother and baby, fatigue favors a deeper sleep.

  • When the belly has grown, it is difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep, so you can lean on cushions and pillows to help you have a better rest.

  • Sleep on the left side, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy. In this way we avoid the pressure of the body’s weight on the maternal vena cava, the blood supply to the placenta is favored and it facilitates the arrival of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Some of these tips can be difficult to follow if we already have a child or more than one, but as we mentioned, a good rest is essential at this stage , so we will have to do our best and seek help to make it easier for us to do so. .

Photos | iStock
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