Values are of great importance to everyone in society, and it is for this reason that as parents we want our little ones to grow up having them. That is why as parents, we strive for our children to be responsible.
Are you becoming a controlling mother? How to find out? The truth is that being a mother is not an easy task, and that is that no one is given a manual to do it in the most "correct" way.
Children, throughout their growth, develop many skills; some of them are inherent to their personality, and others we must encourage, as is the case with values.
We are very used to reading texts that talk about how to teach children to lose, and it is something that is essential to encourage healthy development and a healthy way of relating to others, as well as relating to frustration and loss. .
Making mistakes is part of life and of being human. And although this can be difficult to accept, and even painful and/or embarrassing on some occasions, the truth is that making mistakes does not have to be branded as something negative, since it allows us to learn and grow by correcting our mistakes.
All human beings experience pride at some point in our lives, and this can cause us to carry out behaviors that are usually very unpleasant for other people.
Challenging behaviors are normal within the adolescent stage, and it is right there when our children begin to test what the limits are. However, this can be a real challenge for parents.
Can you imagine being told that reality can only be black or white? Or that your performance at a dance can only be great or disastrous? That you can only be happy or sad? What would you think? Probably, that this is a simplistic view of reality, and that there are a thousand nuances beyond these statements.
Danni Büchner is invited to Sam Dylan's Halloween party. But the "Goodbye Germany" emigrant has no desire for many other party guests. And find clear words.