LivingThe 39 things you need to know the day...

The 39 things you need to know the day you find out you're pregnant

The moment you discover that you are pregnant, a lot of doubts, fears and worries begin to arise that will revolve around your health and that of your baby. You want to know more and know all the details of the stage you are starting, but sometimes so much information can be overwhelming.

For this reason, we have wanted to summarize in this practical guide the main aspects that you should take into account throughout your pregnancy, and which range from a better knowledge of your body, its changes and its care, to the main feelings that most experience. of pregnant women.

1. Folic acid: essential

The first recommendation that doctors give when you start looking for a pregnancy is folic acid supplementation, which you should maintain throughout the entire pregnancy. The pharmacological supplement, together with a diet rich in this vitamin helps prevent neural tube defects in the newborn , such as anencephaly, encephalocele and spina bifida.

2. Do you smoke? The time has come to quit

Smoking during pregnancy carries several health risks for both mother and baby, as well as increasing the chances of sudden infant death. So if you or your partner are smokers, it is best to quit smoking before considering having a child , but if this is not possible, pregnancy should be the time to quit.

3. Not a drop of alcohol

Alcohol, no matter how little, crosses the placental barrier in minutes and binds to amniotic fluid and fetal tissues, causing very serious effects on the baby, such as facial abnormalities, congenital defects or hearing, visual or speech disorders, among others. . Therefore, in pregnancy you should not drink a single drop of alcohol .

4. Check your vaccination schedule

When planning pregnancy it is essential to review your vaccination status and make sure you are protected against the main diseases , such as rubella, mumps, measles or chickenpox. But in addition, during pregnancy vaccination against influenza and whooping cough is recommended, both safe for mother and baby.

5. Write down the medical check-ups in your diary

Check- ups with the gynecologist and midwife during pregnancy are essential to take care of your health and the proper development of your baby, so don’t skip any! The doctor will inform you at each visit of the steps to follow, the blood tests and ultrasounds that you will have to perform, as well as other complementary tests (streptococcus, measurement of the nuchal fold, glucose curve …)

6. Have you heard of cytomegalovirus?

Cytomegalovirus disease (also known as “older brother’s disease”) is very common in young children, causing a benign condition that may even go unnoticed. However, if the pregnant mother is infected, the risk to the baby can be very serious . So, if they haven’t already told you about it in your routine check-ups, ask your doctor or midwife to inform you about the basic preventive measures.

7. Don’t self-medicate

Any medicine, both those that are sold with a prescription and those that are not (for example, paracetamol or ibuprofen), as well as herbal preparations or phytotherapy could harm the baby, so we should not take anything without medical advice. If you have any ailment or discomfort, do not self-medicate and seek advice from a professional.

8. How long is a pregnancy?

When you find out that you are pregnant, you will probably start to calculate how many months you are or when you will give birth. The first thing you should know is that the pregnancy is counted in weeks and not in months, its total duration is 40 (although from 37 the baby is already considered full term) and it is distributed in three trimesters.

9. How do I know if my pregnancy is risky?

One of the main concerns of any woman is that her pregnancy does not pass normally , or that it carries a series of risks or complications. Sometimes these risks are seen in the first medical check-ups (pre-pregnancy illnesses, overweight, multiple pregnancy …), but in others they can arise as gestation progresses (gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia …). If this is your case, trust your gynecologist; he will indicate the best treatment to follow.

10. This is how the baby develops

The development of the fetus in the womb is a wonderful thing, and few pregnant women can resist knowing what is happening inside them, and how their baby is growing and developing week by week .

11. Baby movements: sign of fetal well-being

Typically, the first movements are felt around week 20 (earlier, if it is not the first pregnancy), although this may vary from one woman to another. It is important that the mother knows how and when the baby moves throughout the pregnancy, since this way she can know if it is growing correctly. In case of prolonged absence of movements or sudden decrease of the same, it is necessary to go immediately to the emergency room.

12. Natural abortion, the nightmare of every pregnant woman

Suffering a miscarriage (the one that occurs before the 20th week of pregnancy) is the main fear of any pregnant woman , and although in many cases it is inevitable, it is important to take into account the associated risk factors, as well as the signs that They must put us on alert to go immediately to the hospital.

13. Preterm labor, the nightmare of the last trimester

Having a premature birth is another of the great concerns during pregnancy, since the consequences that the baby can have can be important depending on the time of gestation that you have. Although it is not always possible to prevent labor from occurring before the estimated date , there are some risk factors that could trigger it, and it is important to know them to be alert.

14. This is how you should take care of your diet

A healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy is essential , both to maintain the health of the pregnant woman and her future baby, and to prevent possible complications. Remember the expert advice to eat several meals a day in small amounts, as well as to satisfy cravings with healthy foods.

15. You don’t have to eat for two

The pregnant woman’s metabolism is wise and works in such a way that it is not necessary to “eat for two” as some people believe. On the contrary, increasing the amounts of food uncontrollably, also increases our weight above the recommendations, as well as associated complications, such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and heart disease in the baby.

16. Eat everything except this

During pregnancy there are a series of conflictive or risky foods that we must avoid , as they can increase the amounts of mercury in the body, cause infections with serious consequences for the development and health of the baby (such as toxoplasmosis, listeriosis), or cause allergies. and food poisoning in the mother with consequences also for the fetus (such as anisakis or salmonellosis).

17. Hydration is also important

Staying properly hydrated during pregnancy is another of the essential points that we must take into account, and that is that 70 percent of pregnant women are unaware that the fluid needs in the gestation period increase and it is very important that they are covered.

18. Watch out for road safety!

Both the DGT and the Spanish Association of Midwives insist on the importance of using the seat belt correctly during pregnancy , since it is common to wear it incorrectly and put the physical integrity of the mother and the baby at risk in the event of an accident or sudden stop. abrupt. Likewise, we must take into account the best time to travel, as well as other tips that can make road trips more comfortable and safe.

19. In pregnancy, the mouth suffers: take care of it

Pregnancy increases the chances of tooth decay and periodontal disease, which is why dentists recommend performing a complete examination of the mouth at the time the pregnancy is known . Likewise, if you are undergoing orthodontic treatment at the time you become pregnant, it is important that you notify the specialist as soon as possible.

20. Can I have an X-ray?

Exposure to X-rays during pregnancy is of great concern, since high radiation is harmful to the fetus , especially in the first weeks. Likewise, if you are looking for pregnancy or think you may already be pregnant, it is important to notify it before taking an X-ray, so that the doctor can assess whether it is really necessary or can be replaced by another less aggressive test.

21. Sport is essential: get going!

If you did physical exercise before you got pregnant, there is no reason not to continue practicing it during pregnancy , unless your doctor says otherwise. And if you did not practice it before, pregnancy is a good time to start doing it, always gently and following the recommendations of the experts. And it is that swimming, yoga, Pilates or simply walking has multiple benefits for your health.

22. Sleep changes during pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause various sleep disturbances , such as snoring, restless leg syndrome, excessive sleepiness, or insomnia. Likewise, as pregnancy progresses, it is also common to sleep worse, not find the right posture or have recurring nightmares and dreams. Rest in pregnancy is essential, so if you have any problem, consult your doctor to try to find a solution.

23. You will be hotter than usual

Body temperature during pregnancy rises naturally, as does sweating. And although these peculiarities become more evident in the summer months, do not be surprised if in the middle of winter you want to ditch your coat or you get an uncontrollable suffocation. It’s the hormones!

24. Your sight will undergo small changes

Hormonal changes in pregnant women are responsible for increased dry eyes, a change in prescription, blurred vision and swelling of the eyelids. Therefore, it is important not to neglect your visual health, especially if you wear contact lenses or are at risk of high blood pressure or gestational diabetes.

25. Your smell will be altered

Pregnancy hormones can also alter your smell , as the membranes in your nasal passages are flushed with more blood. This will make you detect any type of odor, and some may even make you nauseous or reject. It is also common to suffer from chronic rhinitis or nosebleeds.

26. Take care of your skin, it will be especially sensitive

It is important to consider how your skin will change during pregnancy, and to follow a series of tips to keep the dermis as healthy as possible. Chloasma, stretch marks, spots, itchy skin, acne … little by little you will become familiar with all these terms and learn to take the proper precautions.

27. These are the changes that you will notice in the breasts

One of the main symptoms of pregnancy is usually breast pain, which some women also describe as tightness, tenderness, tingling, or swelling . It is also common for the nipple and areola to enlarge and darken, as well as the appearance of bluish veins and colostrum. All these changes are normal, although it should always be consulted with your gynecologist or midwife.

28. Annoying and habitual digestive problems

Gas, constipation, heartburn, hemorrhoids, vomiting, slow and heavy digestion … are some of the digestive problems that occur in pregnancy. Some, such as vomiting or nausea, appear in the first trimester and others appear as pregnancy progresses. Healthy habits at the time of eating, physical exercise, hydration and the consumption of certain foods, can become great allies to minimize these discomforts.

29. Your feet are likely to swell

Fluid retention is very common during pregnancy, and one of its most uncomfortable consequences is swelling of the feet and ankles. Although it is not serious or dangerous, the symptoms are very annoying so it is advisable to carry out draining massages, drink plenty of water, walk and practice simple exercises with your feet.

30. Most common circulatory problems

Circulation problems are also common during pregnancy, due to increased blood volume in the mother’s body . This can cause the appearance of varicose veins in the legs, vulvar lips and anus (hemorrhoids), which can increase as pregnancy progresses. The practice of physical exercise will help improve circulation .

31. Need to urinate frequently

During the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, the need to urinate frequently arises, due to the increase in the volume of fluids in the body, and the pressure exerted by the uterus on the bladder (which can also cause episodes of mild urine loss) . All these situations are normal, but if in doubt, consult your doctor since urinary infection (frequent during pregnancy) is also associated with the urgent need to urinate.

32. Sciatica and muscle cramps

Sciatica and cramps in the groin, legs, and feet are two of the most common muscle problems in pregnancy. Proper rest, postural hygiene, physical exercise and stretching, as well as certain foods rich in potassium (banana, kiwi) and magnesium (green leafy vegetables), can help prevent them.

33. A changing mood

The hormones of pregnancy are responsible for living it as if it were a roller coaster of emotions. And it is that as soon as we are excited and full, as sad and scared . It is also normal to become more sensitive and perceive things with greater intensity, as well as to experience sudden mood swings. Although all this is within normality, if you think you need professional help, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

34. Nest syndrome, that need to clean your home

Are you pregnant and have you turned the house upside down ? Quiet, it is the syndrome of the nest or nest instinct, an irrepressible urge to clean and put your home in order for the arrival of the baby. This burst of energy, which usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, is absolutely normal, but you must follow a series of tips to cope without risk to your health or that of your baby.

35. What will my baby be like?

At the moment we get pregnant, it is inevitable to ask ourselves what will our baby be like? What color eyes will he have? What will his facial features be like? Who will he look like? … In nine months we will have the answer, but we already warn you that nature and genetics can be very capricious.

36. Childbirth, a moment of great doubts

As the pregnancy progresses, the fears, doubts and uncertainties around the moment of delivery increase. It is advisable to develop a birth plan, and talk to your doctor or midwife about all your doubts and the type of anesthesia or analgesia to use. Likewise, it can be very useful to do a childbirth preparation course where they will teach you relaxation and breathing techniques, as well as care for the last stage of pregnancy and the newborn.

37. Make a list of essentials for your baby

Some women start buying things for their babies as soon as they know they are pregnant, and others wait to do so as their due date approaches. Be that as it may, it is convenient to prepare a list of essentials for the arrival of your baby , which includes everything from clothes and other essentials to take to the hospital, to a car seat, stroller or / and baby carrier, cribs or any other accessory that consider important.

38. Breastfeeding: read and learn

If you have chosen to breastfeed your baby, it is recommended that you inform yourself during pregnancy, read quality articles and books and, if possible, visit breastfeeding groups where you see other moms breastfeeding their babies. Because sometimes breastfeeding can present difficulties, but if we have professional help and prior information, the path can be much more bearable.

39. Take it easy, you’ll do very well

But if there is a constant fear and concern that stands out above all others during pregnancy, it is the fear of being a good mother : will I feel a “crush” when I see my baby? Will I know how to identify his needs? able to love him as much as my first child? … All these emotional doubts are logical and normal, and it can help you to share them with other pregnant women in parenting groups. But above all, calm down, you will be a wonderful mother.

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