LivingRecipesVegetarian Indian Samosas Recipe Step by Step

Vegetarian Indian Samosas Recipe Step by Step

Vegetable samosas are the jewel in the crown of Indian cuisine, dumplings that will make us forget about meat altogether. These types of dishes get the best of a type of cuisine that stands out for its intense flavors and the care of each ingredient. Cooking this type of dumplings will allow us to enjoy them in the first person as a thematic dinner, with rice, some sauces and some baked vegetables we can indulge ourselves with little effort. Dare to create the simple vegetable samosas that will become an exceptional Indian tapa.


For the mass:

  • 300 g flour
  • Water
  • 25 g of sunflower oil
  • For the filling:

    • 300 gr of potatoes
    • 1 cup of peas
    • 1 medium onion
    • A tablespoon of vegetable oil
    • 1 teaspoon turmeric
    • A teaspoon of ground cumin
    • A piece of ginger root
    • 1 teaspoon fresh coriander
    • Salt
    • Pepper

    How to prepare Indian vegetable samosas

    1. We can make these vegetable samosas from scratch or buy the dough ready-made. Depending on the time and desire to be in the kitchen that we have, we can act in one way or another.
    2. To make the dough, we simply sift the flour and mix it with a little olive oil and water.
    3. It should be like a pizza dough, more or less, but thinner. We will cut it into pieces of the same size to be able to fill the samosas.
    4. We will cook the potatoes that will become the low cost béchamel of this dish. We can boil them with water or make them in the microwave.
    5. Peel and cut the onion very thin . We are going to start sautéing it with a little olive oil.
    6. We add the grated ginger root to flavor a filling that will come to life with the peas that we will mix little by little.
    7. We put the potato cut into pieces already cooked , season to taste and add the turmeric to give it color.
    8. We can add a little coriander , it will give color and fresh joy to a filling that is impressive.
    9. We fill the samosas and close them in such a way that we have a characteristic triangle of this type of dumplings.
    10. We fry the vegetable samosas in hot oil until golden brown, the filling will be ready so in about 5 minutes they will be perfect.
    11. We are placing them on a little absorbent paper so that they eliminate the excess oil. We serve with a little sauce to enjoy them in style.

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