LivingRecipes5 easy rice salad recipes to make for a...

5 easy rice salad recipes to make for a light dinner

The era of the tuper to the beach, pool or camping has arrived, to fill you with health and joy, nothing better than these easy-to-prepare rice salad recipes. Salad is the quintessential food when it’s hot, but also on those days when we want to eat something quickly or leave it ready in advance. These rice salads will be ready in a few minutes, we can store them in a box and eat whenever we feel like it anywhere, dare to try some recipes that will change your life. The easiest and most delicious rice salad recipes to prepare A creamy rice salad with cheese and Iberian ham can give us endless joy. This dish will always be good, with the cheese we will be able to give a different texture to the rice without the need to add mayonnaise, the Iberian will give it a touch of salt and the crunchy texture that will give life to this very easy to prepare salad that will look like a restaurant. The rice salad with prawns and vegetables is one of those complete dishes that can arouse passions. Prawns with rice are a classic that works in paellas or salads. We will give it a little color and fiber with the arrival of some vegetables that we surely have in our fridge. A healthy alternative to a conventional rice. This basmati rice salad with mushrooms is an impressive culinary experience. This type of rice we may not have ever tasted, but it is one of the most delicious out there. A way to get a different ingredient in an original recipe that will have the mushrooms as the main protagonists. This rice salad can be reserved for special occasions.The sailor rice salad is perfect for the summer. With the fruits of the sea as protagonists and a series of ingredients that stand out on their own, we can cook a truly wonderful salad in record time. We can use fresh or canned seafood, in both ways we will have a complete and fresh dish ideal to take around the world. A rice salad with pineapple is an original way to fill the túper this summer. We can enjoy this dish whenever we feel like it. It is healthy and diuretic, pineapple will help us lose weight without even realizing it. We may have it in the fridge right now ready for a quick dinner, with the rice we will be able to give it more force.

Onion Ring Salad, Cheese and Citrus Vinaigrette

If you like food that is healthy and full of flavor, write down the steps of this salad of onion rings, cheese and citrus vinaigrette.

The most original salads that you can prepare during the summer of 2021

We know some original salad options that you can prepare during the summer of 2021 to take care of your line and your health.

Radish salad recipe

If you like homemade salads, you have to try this salad of radishes and spinach with a touch of lemon. Write down the steps.

Fruit salad to enjoy all the flavor of summer 2021

We show you the best fruit salad to enjoy all summer without adding a lot of calories to your dishes.

Californian soy and avocado salad

To expand your recipe book for salads at home, try making this Californian soy and avocado salad. Healthy and delicious.
