Living27 high-fiber foods to combat constipation in pregnancy

27 high-fiber foods to combat constipation in pregnancy

Constipation is one of the most frequent complaints during pregnancy and postpartum. Not surprisingly, it is estimated that half of pregnant women suffer from it at some point during pregnancy. Not going to the bathroom regularly or doing it with difficulty not only leads to digestive discomfort and symptoms, but can also lead to hemorrhoids.

Ensuring optimal fiber intake at this stage will help prevent these discomforts and improve bowel function. But in addition, fiber is essential to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.

The general fiber recommendations for adult women are between 21 grams (over 50 years) and 25 grams (under 50 years). However, during pregnancy it is recommended to raise this amount to 30 grams per day .

We can achieve this in a simple way by eating two to three pieces of fruit a day, a couple of servings of vegetables and whole grains . Without forgetting the two weekly servings of legumes.

Here is a list of foods rich in fiber and some recipes so that you can easily prepare them and take advantage of all the benefits of this important component.


Swiss chard is one of the essential foods in pregnancy , as they are a source of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, E and A, and also have a good supply of fiber (1.6 g per 100 grams).

It can be eaten simply cooked and seasoned, or in more elaborate recipes such as cannelloni stuffed with chard, savory cakes or fritters. It can also be consumed raw (having washed it very well previously), in salads or even in smoothies.


Avocado is one of the most complete fruits there is, and it is especially recommended in pregnancy. It contains folic acid, vegetable oils, such as oleic acid and Omega 3 acid, is rich in various vitamins and contains high amounts of fiber (7 g per 100 grams).

Due to its creamy texture, avocado can be a great tool in the kitchen as a replacement for other ingredients of poorer nutritional quality, such as cream, butter or commercial sauces.

In addition, given its neutral flavor, it is perfect to be incorporated into sweet and savory dishes, being able to benefit from all its properties thanks to a large number of recipes.


The artichoke is a food that contains prebiotics, which promote the motility of the intestine as well as its transit. It has a high fiber content (5g per 100 grams) and a similar amount of potassium than bananas. It also offers us magnesium, phosphorus, carotenes and B complex vitamins with very few calories and a high amount of fiber.

There are countless ways to prepare them, both in cold and hot dishes. They are also perfect as an accompaniment to other dishes.


This dried fruit is a good source of iron and vitamin E, as well as being a food rich in healthy fats, protein and fiber (13.5 g per 100 grams).

Almonds can be taken alone, as an excellent and healthy snack, or incorporated into your stews (chicken with almonds), salads or sweet desserts.

White beans

Beans, along with chickpeas and lentils, are a source of fiber, iron and vegetable proteins. White beans contain 7.7 g of fiber per 100 grams.

Now in autumn, you want to take them stewed, but we can incorporate them into other recipes, both cold (for example, salads), and hot, in soups or creams.

Integral rice

Brown rice is one from which only the outer shell has been removed, so it has more fiber (1.8 g per 100 grams) , minerals and vitamins than white rice.

Brown rice can be used as a garnish, to accompany a myriad of dishes, in cold salads or in rich recipes such as risotto.


Oatmeal is a food with many benefits. It has a great protein and fiber intake compared to other cereals (10 g per 100 grams), it also has unsaturated fats and is a food rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and B complex vitamins.

In the kitchen it is a very versatile ingredient to include in many preparations, both sweet and savory. It can also be taken in the form of flakes that we can add to yogurt or milk, either hot or cold.


Because of its many health benefits , broccoli is one of the essential foods for a healthy diet, especially during pregnancy.

It is a vegetable especially rich in folic acid, in addition to calcium, vitamin C and fiber (2.6 g per 100 grams)

It is a very versatile vegetable, as we can consume it raw, include it in salads, stews, omelets, muffins or as a main dish.


This fruit should be one of our great allies during pregnancy, since among its many properties its high fiber content (1.4 g per 100 grams) and great antioxidant power (thanks to vitamin E) stand out. In addition, they are rich in vitamins A and C, and help prevent the appearance of anemia thanks to their high content of potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Since this fruit is typical of summer, now in autumn we can take it dried (prunes), whose fiber content is even higher (16g per 100 grams).

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts contain almost 4 grams of fiber per 100. In addition, they have a remarkable content of folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, manganese and potassium, the latter essential for the proper development of the body, bones and the muscles.

If you can’t figure out how to prepare them, we suggest seven recipes that will surprise you and another for brussels sprouts and squash roasted in cider with mandarin orange.


Asparagus is a great ally of digestion, it contributes to good intestinal function and to combat constipation thanks to its fiber content (2 grams per 100). It is also a low-calorie and diuretic food with many nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C and E.

To include them in your dishes, we suggest 17 different ways to prepare them as well as some snacking recipes with asparagus as the protagonist.


Spinach is an excellent source of iron, which is why pregnancy is essential. But this rich vegetable also contains vitamin A, calcium and of course fiber (2.6 g per 100 grams)

You can prepare them in both hot and cold dishes, as well as in smoothies, salads or juices combined with fruits.


Chickpeas, as well as legumes in general (lentils, beans, peas …), due to their high fiber content, are beneficial to combat constipation.

Chickpeas provide 17 g per 100 grams, which promotes the regularity of a healthy digestive system. They also provide calcium, potassium, and vitamins C and B.

We can enjoy them in the oven, in a stir fry or as a base for delicious pizzas.

Green peas

Peas are a food that contains the highest amounts of fiber. One cup of cooked peas contains more than 16 grams of soluble fiber. In addition, they offer a low calorie intake, high in vitamin C, lecithin, iron and calcium, among others.

We can take them sautéed with ham, incorporate them into all kinds of stews and of course, in creams or purees.

Dried figs

Dehydrated or dried figs are rich in fiber (18.5 g per 100 grams) and iron. This means that the consumption of figs, in addition to increasing the body’s iron stores, improves intestinal transit. They are also rich in calcium and potassium.

We can take this dehydrated fruit at any time of the day, or incorporate it into succulent and original salty recipes.


An investigation published by the Spanish Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics concluded that eating three green kiwis a day significantly improves bowel rhythm and constipation, thanks to its high fiber content. Kiwi provides approximately 3 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

It is an ideal fruit to eat fresh or enjoy it in a kiwi, avocado and pear smoothie or in a, perfect for a complete breakfast.


Lentils are an excellent source of fiber and vegetable proteins for the body, as it contains 7.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams of product. But in addition, lentils contain folic acid, iron, iodine and zinc.

We can include them in cold dishes such as salads, in light and tasty recipes for the aperitif such as lentil hummus, or in the traditional stews of always, perfect for autumn.


Surely many of you have heard the popular association between eating apples and having good health , and that is that this fruit, which we can find throughout the year, has endless properties for our body.

The apple has a high water content , so it is perfect for hydrating the body (let’s remember the importance of maintaining proper hydration during pregnancy!), Reduces fluid accumulation and prevents cramps, a very typical discomfort during pregnancy. gestation. In addition, it is an excellent source of fiber (2.4 g per 100 grams) helping to prevent constipation.


It is advisable to consume this fruit always whole, as a dessert or between meals, and not in juice, because in this way the pulp is lost, which is the one with the greatest fiber contribution.

Pan integral

Cereals, especially whole grains or whole grains , should never be absent from our diet, and especially during pregnancy. A daily consumption of cereals and several servings a day is recommended, as this food provides complex carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, minerals and of course fiber.

Whole grains have an average of 45 grams of fiber per 100 grams, with rye bread and whole wheat bread having the most fiber.


The roots and tubers provide large amounts of fiber ( 3.2 g per 100 grams), which increases if consumed with the skin. It is a food rich in carbohydrates, with high water content and an excellent source of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B, folic acid and minerals such as magnesium and iron.

In addition, they are one of the foods best tolerated by pregnant women who suffer from nausea, as they settle the stomach and are easily digested.

Potatoes combine very well as an accompaniment to any dish. It is preferable to boil or steam it and add a splash of olive oil and salt (a little) low in sodium, or pureed.


The pear also contains a good contribution of fiber (a medium pear with skin contains 5.5g) and is largely made up of water. It also contains pectin, a substance that regulates intestinal movements and cleansing the body.

You can eat the piece as is, without removing the skin, or in both sweet and savory recipes such as a honeyed leek, pear and saffron risotto combined with meats or canapes.


Few fruits are as complete and with as many benefits as bananas , which we can also enjoy at any time of the year.

Banana is rich in vitamins A, B (including folic acid), C and E, and is high in fiber (2.6 g per 100 grams), calcium and potassium, which helps balance the blood pressure and avoid leg and foot cramps.

In addition, banana helps reduce cholesterol levels , fight depression, minimize heartburn (so common during the last stage of pregnancy, especially), and prevent anemia, thanks to its high iron content.


Quinoa is a pseudocereal rich in fiber (7 g per 100 grams) and in good quality vegetable proteins, with a considerable supply of iron, B-complex vitamins and a minimum of fats that are good for the body. It is one of the best-known superfoods today.

With it we can prepare from salads and soups, to dishes for breakfast and many more recipes.

Wheat bran

The bran is the “shell” of the grain and therefore has a high fiber content, giving a darker color and a harder texture to whole grain. Wheat bran is an excellent source of protein and plant fiber. It has 40 percent fiber in its composition and 30 to 41 grams (each 100g) of insoluble fiber. This makes it a great ally to prevent and combat intestinal inactivity.

You can add a few tablespoons to yogurt, milk, orange juice, a filling of savory or sweet cakes and also, to sauces and salad dressings if we like their texture

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are a food that you can add to your diet as it has important nutritional benefits. They are a source of essential fatty acids and have a high protein content as well as water soluble fiber, no less than 27 grams per 100 , which makes them an extraordinary remedy for constipation.

You can add them to the bowl of milk for breakfast, in salads, smoothies, in the preparation of breads or as an ingredient when preparing hake meatballs.

Carrots (raw)

Although vegetables of all colors should not be lacking in a pregnant woman’s diet, carrots deserve a special mention for the many properties they contain and their important health benefits.

In addition to containing a lot of fiber (2.5 g per 100 grams), carrots have minerals such as potassium and calcium , B vitamins, especially folic acid, and also vitamin A and carotene.

It can be eaten raw (previously peeled) or cooked, although raw provides more amounts of fiber.

Photos | iStock, Pexels

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