LivingRecipesFish and shrimp moqueca: the typical Brazilian recipe that...

Fish and shrimp moqueca: the typical Brazilian recipe that will win you over

Moqueca is a very popular dish in Brazil , especially in the Northeast region, and each culture gives it its own distinctive touch. Therefore, we can find different recipes with some variations in the ingredients and the method of preparation. However, in general terms, the great protagonists of a good Brazilian moqueca are fish, seafood and coconut milk. On this occasion, we bring you an exquisite recipe for fish and shrimp moqueca that will surprise you. Go ahead and tell us the results!

Brazilian Fish and Shrimp Moqueca Recipe

Moqueca is quite similar to a fish and seafood stew with vegetables. It includes an ingredient that makes all the difference in its taste and texture: coconut milk. On the other hand, the most traditional recipe of the state (province) of Bahia also includes palm oil (“azeite de dendê” in Portuguese).

Logically, if you don’t have this palm oil ingredient on hand (or you prefer not to use it), you can use the classic olive or coconut oil. In addition, it is possible to substitute coconut milk for another vegetable drink , such as rice, peanut, almond or chestnut milk. But, it is worth following the original recipe to try this Brazilian cuisine.


  • Fresh White Fish (without skin or bones): 600 gr
  • Fresh shrimp: 300 gr (you can use the frozen ones)
  • Coconut milk: 200 ml
  • Garlic: 3 cloves, minced
  • Tomatoes: 2 pcs
  • Onion: 1 large unit
  • Yellow pepper: ½ unit.
  • Red pepper: ½ unit.
  • Green pepper: ½ unit.
  • Palm oil: 4 tablespoons
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon
  • Fresh parsley or cilantro: to taste
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • How to make fish and shrimp moqueca:

    1. Cut the white fish into large pieces and marinate them in a bowl with salt, garlic, coriander or parsley and the lemon juice. We let it rest in the fridge for 20 to 30 minutes.
    2. While we wait, we take the opportunity to clean the shrimp and wash them with water and a little lemon juice . We booked.
    3. We cut the tomatoes, onion and peppers into thick slices, also removing their seeds.
    4. We choose a large and deep enough pot (preferably oval) and we line it with the slices of vegetables. The idea is to build a base that protects the fish so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot or burn during cooking. We save some slices to place them on the surface of our moqueca.
    5. Next, we place the marinated fish pieces on the vegetable layer. Pour in the coconut milk and palm oil (without mixing) and marinate with the covered pot for 15 minutes.
    6. We give a point of salt to the whole.
    7. We put the pot with the lid on low heat and let it cook for 20 minutes.
    8. After this time, we add the shrimp to the pot, cover it again and cook for 5 more minutes.
    9. We turn off the heat and let the fish and shrimp moqueca rest for a few minutes before serving it so that its aromas and flavors are concentrated. Guiso de pescado

    An “extra” tip : traditionally, the fish and shrimp moqueca is served with white rice and farofa. Farofa is a very popular accompaniment in Brazil and is prepared based on cassava flour (cassava) and other ingredients to give it flavor, such as eggs, bacon, banana, etc.

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