LivingRecipesHake with white wine and Iberian ham, easy fish...

Hake with white wine and Iberian ham, easy fish recipe

Hake is one of the most popular fish as it has a very mild flavor and few bones. That is why it is a good option for cooking when both children and adults are at home. In addition, it is a fish that cooks in a very short time, so it does not matter if you do not have many hours to be in the kitchen. In just thirty minutes you will have a plate of hake with white wine and Iberian ham ready. Do you want to know how to prepare this rich, healthy and delicious recipe? Well then we explain the whole process of hake with white wine and Iberian ham, an easy fish recipe to make. Ingredients for hake with white wine 5 hake loins Flour Olive oil Cognac Black pepper 1 onion 3 cloves of garlic 1 glass of white wine 4 tablespoons of fried tomato Fish broth 4 slices of Iberian ham Parsley Salt Preparation For this recipe we will use some hake fillets of about 200 grams to create a complete and filling dish. They can be fresh or frozen in any case they will be incredible. We will start with the fish, wash it a little, checking that it does not have too many bones, we can remove them carefully. Flour the loins and fry them in plenty of oil until they are the right color and doneness. Remove from heat, put on absorbent paper. Peel the onion and cut it when ready, poach it with a little oil. We are going to accompany it with some peeled and rolled garlic. Season to taste. To this base we can put some potatoes, peeled and very thinly cut with the mandolin, they will give it that touch of flavor and creamy texture that will combine perfectly with a fish as delicate as hake.We add a splash of white wine and a point of brandy. When the alcohol has completely evaporated we will put the fried tomato. We let it reduce the sauce a bit before adding the fish stock. We can add the fish with a tablespoon of flour so that the sauce takes on texture if it is too liquid. The hake will be perfect in about 10 minutes. During this slow game time we can give it a more festive air with some peeled prawns or prawns, they will give it flavor and also will dress the celebratory dish. Serve with a little sprinkled parsley and diced ham on top to enjoy a luxurious fish starter.

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