LivingRecipesMenier sole with turmeric sauce, easy fish recipe

Menier sole with turmeric sauce, easy fish recipe

Menier sole is one of the most popular recipes in French gastronomy. It is a very delicate and exquisite dish with which you are sure to succeed on any occasion. In addition, it is a fairly simple recipe to make, despite its delicacy, so it will not cost you anything to prepare the recipe step by step. Of course, this time we are going to cook a menier sole with turmeric sauce to make it even more special. Do you want to learn how to make this fancy recipe for a special occasion? Below we show you all the steps so that you can surprise all your guests and thus show your culinary skills. Ingredients for the menier sole with turmeric sauce 2 fillets of sole 100 grams of butter 2 tablespoons of flour 1/2 of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of turmeric 1 cup of liquid milk Extra virgin olive oil Black pepper Fresh chopped parsley Preparation We prepare all the ingredients before starting the recipe to make it easier. We put a cup of liquid milk, the two tablespoons of flour and the butter in a blender. Add the lemon juice, turmeric, salt and pepper. We beat all the ingredients until we obtain a homogeneous sauce. Place the turmeric sauce in a saucepan and heat over medium heat until it reaches a boil. Once it comes to a boil, lower the heat and let the turmeric sauce cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. We booked. Season the sole fillets with salt and pepper and place them in a non-stick frying pan. We fry the sole until golden brown. Keep in mind that it is a fish that cooks very quickly, so it will not need to be in the fire for long. Watch it so that it does not overcook.When serving, bathe the sole with the turmeric sauce and add a little chopped parsley. We can accompany the menier sole with turmeric sauce with a good portion of baked potatoes or steamed vegetables if you want to make it healthier. It is a good option for a family meal or for a dinner with friends. In addition, it will be very comfortable to cook the menier sole since you will hardly need time. Traditionally, sole a la meunière, which is the French term for the recipe, is served with boiled potatoes, but it is not essential to do so. What would you accompany this delicious and easy-to-prepare fish recipe with?

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