LivingRecipesOnion Ring Salad, Cheese and Citrus Vinaigrette

Onion Ring Salad, Cheese and Citrus Vinaigrette

The salad originated in Persia and later expanded to Egypt, where they enjoy combining lettuce with fruits and vegetables. It was the Romans, however, who gave it the name of salad. Over time this food has been perfected, today there are several delicious recipes. One of them is the salad of onion rings, cheese and citrus vinaigrette. It is a dish that gives a special touch to our meals due to the combination of incredible flavors.

The onion is full of beneficial properties . It is known as vegetable insulin, because it is rich in glucokinin, a substance that helps reduce sugar. The high fiber content reduces the risks of heart disease.

Emmental cheese is born in the Swiss Alps and is one of the most nutritious . It is beneficial for the heart due to its vitamin K2 content. It also provides minerals such as zinc, important for the immune system. Its high calcium content benefits the health of teeth and bones.


  • Emmental cheese
  • Freshly sliced or frozen onion rings
  • 1 tomato on the vine
  • An orange
  • 1 lemon
  • A tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • Lettuce mix
  • Olive oil
  • Shall
  • Pepper
  • Flour for coating
  • How to Make Onion Ring Salad, Cheese, and Citrus Vinaigrette:

    1. Onion rings always have a more interesting texture if we batter and fry them beforehand. We cut thin rings from a large onion and pass them through flour.
    2. We fry the rings in plenty of very hot oil , preventing them from burning. Half the time we must turn them over. Freír aros de cebolla
    3. We take them out, already fried, and put them on absorbent kitchen paper.
    4. Meanwhile we prepare the vinaigrette . We wash well and peel the lemon and orange, taking care not to remove the white part. This is important because it tends to sour foods.
    5. We squeeze the juice of both citrus fruits and place it in a pot with the citrus peel and the tablespoon of sugar. When it starts to boil, lower it to medium heat and cook for five to ten minutes.
    6. Next, we let cool and strain. Add the tablespoon of mustard and another of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and mix.
    7. Cut the cheese into cubes and the tomato into pieces. We place them in a bowl with the lettuce mixture, the onion rings and pour the vinaigrette on top.

    This Citrus Vinaigrette Cheese Vinaigrette Cheese Onion Ring Salad recipe is a combination of exquisite flavors. Try it at home and delight yourself with this delicious dish.

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