LivingRecipesRecipe for sardines marinated with cheese and tomato jam

Recipe for sardines marinated with cheese and tomato jam

Sardines marinated with cheese and tomato jam have an excellent flavor. This dish is based on two techniques for food preservation. The first is the marinade, which allows to preserve by soaking aromatic liquids. The second is the confit, which consists of cooking the product that you want to keep over low heat and with sugar. In this way, food can be prepared without subjecting it to direct cooking. Sardines and tomato should be kept in this dish. The quintessential method of preserving fish is marinating. It is in this way that foods such as fresh sardines can be eaten without any type of cooking. On the other hand, the best way to confit tomatoes is by using sugar. With this, it is also possible to reduce the excess acid in this fruit. Sardines marinated with cheese and tomato jam are quite a digestive food. This recipe requires the use of spices and liquids such as lemon, which are very positive for the intestinal tract. On a nutritional level, this dish provides proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Next, you will learn how to prepare this type of proposal… Pay attention! Ingredients: 12 sardines Idiazábal cheese Coarse salt Thyme Cilantro 1 lemon Ingredients for the tomato jam: 750 grams of ripe tomatoes 500 grams of sugar 1 clove How to prepare sardines marinated with cheese and tomato jam: Poach the tomatoes in a saucepan boiling water for two minutes. Place the tomatoes in cold water, drain and peel. Marinate the tomatoes with the sugar for twelve hours in a covered casserole. Small cherry tomatoes are a sweet and delicious option for this recipe.Cook the tomatoes with the sugar and water over low heat for an hour. Incorporate the clove. Clean the sardine of thorns. Kitchen tongs are very useful for this. Place the sardines in a bowl with plenty of coarse salt and the lemon juice. Add coriander and thyme to the sardines. Refrigerate the sardines for about four hours. Wash the sardines with water and place in a bowl with olive oil. Cut the cheese into cubes. Assemble the skewers by placing sardine fillets and cheese cubes. Serve by adding a little of the tomato jam to the sardines. A great way to decorate this dish is to add a little oregano. This complementary ingredient will add an extra touch of flavor.

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