LivingRecipesTofu Recipe: How To Make Homemade Tofu

Tofu Recipe: How To Make Homemade Tofu

Soy is historically one of the mainstays of food in Asia , being consumed for over a thousand years by Chinese, Koreans and Japanese as a high-value supplement to their daily diet. It is in the 20th century when its consumption became popular in the West, opening the possibilities of a gastronomic universe. One of the most common ways to consume it is in tofu, which is a concentrated and coagulated soybean with multiple uses. When the whey is eliminated, the proteins are concentrated in greater quantity, increasing their nutritional value. The name tofu means “boneless meat” in Japanese, which suggests that it is as nutritious as meat. Its consumption is widely recommended for those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets, since it very efficiently substitutes proteins of animal origin.

Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based protein, as it contains the nine essential amino acids for the proper functioning of the body, including the formation and maintenance of muscle mass. In addition, it provides carbohydrates that provide energy to the body. This versatile ingredient is also low in fat, which makes it even healthier. In addition, it provides the necessary calcium to strengthen bones and teeth. It also contains minerals such as iron, which contributes to the transit of oxygen through the blood and the potassium necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.


  • ½ kilo of organic yellow soybeans
  • 4 tablespoons of nigari
  • Water
  • How to prepare tofu:

    1. Soak the soybeans the night before with enough water. In the morning, after 8-10 hours, drain and rinse again.
    2. Blend in the blender with 3 cups of water until you get a fine paste .
    3. Put the soybean paste in a pot with boiling water. When it starts to boil, lower the temperature, stirring constantly for 45 minutes to avoid sticking.
    4. After this time, strain the preparation, obtaining soy milk. The solids can be reserved for use in other dishes.
    5. Put the soy milk on the fire again . As soon as the boil begins, remove from the heat and add the 4 tablespoons of nigari dissolved in 1 cup of hot water. Rest the mixture for about 15 to 20 minutes.
    6. Strain the mixture obtaining the whey and the curd. The whey can be reserved for use in other preparations such as soups.
    7. Put the curd on a cloth and place in the mold where the tofu will be put. Close tightly and place a weight of approximately 2.5 kg on top so that it receives pressure.
    8. After 45 minutes, unmold and soak the tofu piece in ice water for 5 minutes so that it compacts properly. Drain well and pat dry. El tofu

    Learning how to prepare tofu opens up a universe of possibilities for you in the kitchen. If you follow a diet of protein of animal origin, this recipe will become one of your favorites.

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