LivingRecipesVegan parmesan cheese, easy step by step recipe

Vegan parmesan cheese, easy step by step recipe

This vegan Parmesan cheese recipe will forever change the way you see cheeses made without any ingredients of animal origin. We associate cheese with milk and sometimes it is difficult to think that we can enjoy a very similar ingredient without this main food. The reality is that vegan cheese gains strength and it does so to make us see that a world without animal suffering is possible, in addition to getting a lactose-free food. Lighter digestions and a change in diet, any excuse is good to try this recipe for vegan parmesan cheese. Ingredients: 150 g of raw cashew nuts 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder Salt to taste How to prepare a vegan Parmesan cheese As soon as you read the ingredients of this vegan Parmesan cheese, you may already be thinking that it will not even have the flavor , nor the texture, but nothing is further from the truth. With your eyes closed it will be a full-blown cheese. The secret is in the cashews, this dried fruit that you may have eaten from time to time will gain strength turned into a delicious cheese. To prepare a good cheese, it is as simple as placing the cashews in the blender glass. Blend until they form a white paste, similar to cottage cheese. Getting the smoky Parmesan flavor will be possible with a mixture of two foods with great intensity. Add the tablespoon of onion and garlic powder. We crush everything together again so that the flavors merge in a delicious cream that will give rise to the cheese. Salt to taste. One of the problems with cheese is that it is usually quite salty, but in this recipe we will get the right point of this ingredient.We will miss the secret of a vegan cheese, nutritional yeast. We can compare it in specialized stores and it is essential to ensure that the cheese mass has the right consistency. We prepare a sterilized glass container. We can boil it for about 15 minutes to ensure that you will receive our cheese in perfect condition. We pour the cheese mass, press well so that it is a compact cheese with a pleasant texture. We’ll let the yeast start to do its job. We will get a vegan cheese as it cools down. The result is a spectacular vegan Parmesan cheese that will not make you miss the most traditional cheese.

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