LivingRecipesVegan quiche with mushrooms and tomatoes, basic recipe

Vegan quiche with mushrooms and tomatoes, basic recipe

With a good combination of ingredients, vegan quiche can be as much or more delicious than a traditional vegetable quiche. In this case, the pleasant mixture of mushrooms and tofu is moistened with tomatoes and aromatic herbs, with excellent results in flavors and textures. In this mushroom and tomato quiche, all the ingredients provide protein, carbohydrates, fiber and healthy fats. As well as a variety of essential micronutrients in the vegan diet, especially calcium and selenium. Tomatoes provide vitamin A and β-carotenes, mushrooms vitamins of group B, as well as tofu, which also includes vitamin K. All of them are rich in potassium, another of the essential minerals for the proper functioning of the body and well-being . Ingredients: 250 grams of wheat flour 300 grams of tofu 200 grams of cherry tomatoes 125 grams of vegan margarine 100 grams of mushrooms 150 milliliters of soy milk 6 stalks of tarragon 5 shallots 1 green onion Extra virgin olive oil Salt Pepper Preparation: To prepare the dough, mix the flour, vegan margarine, and 4 tablespoons of water. Knead, spread with a rolling pin, arrange on a tray lined with greaseproof paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, turn the oven to 150 ° C and prepare the filling. Cut the tofu into small cubes, place them in a saucepan with water and cook for 5 minutes. Drain it, transfer it to a bowl and mash it with the help of a fork, softening it with the soy milk. Add the washed, drained and chopped herbs, finely chopped chives, and a little salt and pepper. Stir and reserve.Separately, chop the mushrooms into slices and cut the shallots into wedges. Sauté both ingredients well with a drizzle of vegetable oil, for approximately three minutes. Remove the batter from the refrigerator and pour the tofu mixture on top. Smooth with the back of a spoon. On top, place the vegetables, the mushroom sauce and, finally, the cherry tomatoes washed, drained and cut in half. Bake for 45 minutes. Do not forget to leave your comments below, if you liked this vegan quiche, or if you already knew it and want to give us your opinion about it. It really is an ideal recipe for the little ones in the house to enjoy the flavor and nutrients of these ingredients. Share this recipe on your social networks and recommend that your friends prepare this healthy and delicious vegan mushroom and tomato quiche today.

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