LivingRecipesChocolate truffles, easy and delicious dessert recipe

Chocolate truffles, easy and delicious dessert recipe

Chocolate truffles have become one of the most desired desserts and, who does not enjoy some homemade chocolate truffles after a meal or dinner? This makes them one of the most purchased products in the supermarket, but how are chocolate truffles made? What is the recipe to be able to cook them at home at any time of the day? If you want to know what is the recipe for this sweet recipe so in demand, do not miss the step-by-step preparation below. You will become an expert in truffles and chocolate! Ingredients for chocolate truffles 375 grams of special dark chocolate for desserts 30 grams of butter 250 ml of whipping cream Pure cocoa powder Preparation The first thing we will do to make our recipe for chocolate truffles is to weigh the ingredients. In baking it is important to be very exact with the figures since a little more or a little less of any of the ingredients could spoil the entire recipe. Once all the ingredients are weighed, we will put the chocolate with the butter in a bain-marie and let them melt little by little. In a different saucepan we put the whipping cream. We leave it until it starts to boil. At that moment we remove it and let it temper. It is important not to put the cream too hot. Once it is tempered, we mix the cream with the chocolate and the butter that we have previously melted. We are fully integrating it. Once the process is finished, we place it in a mold or on a plate covered with plastic wrap and let it rest for 24 hours. You can let it rest both in the fridge and on the kitchen counter. If it is summer, we recommend you leave it in the fridge.After this time, the mixture will be ready to shape the chocolate truffles. You can make the shape you want, they don’t have to be perfect! Once you have all the truffle balls done, pass them through the cocoa for even more flavor. Keep them in the fridge if it is too hot, otherwise they could melt. Tips for making chocolate truffles Keep an eye on the room temperature. Use whipping cream and not cooking cream. Use pure cocoa powder for a much more intense flavor. Make the balls in an irregular shape. That way they will look like one hundred percent homemade! Don’t use sugar.

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