LivingRecipesFried cakes millefeuille with pastry cream and whipped cream

Fried cakes millefeuille with pastry cream and whipped cream

Sometimes simple desserts can give us great joys. This is the case of the fried cakes millefeuille with pastry cream and whipped cream, a homemade preparation to enjoy a sweet snack. This type of fried dessert belongs to the same group as buñuelos and torrijas. The millefeuille is prepared with a thin fried dough that replaces the classic version of puff pastry. It can be said that it is a rustic version of the well-known dessert. Fried desserts, thanks to their high fat and sugar content, should be eaten in moderate amounts. Although they are preparations that are primarily intended for pleasure, they also contain ingredients with nutrients that the body can take advantage of. Eggs, for example, are one of the best sources of protein of high biological value. So much so that they work as a measure of comparison for other protein sources. Eggs also contain choline, a little-known nutrient that contributes to the formation of cell membranes. Helps maintain good liver function and reduce the risk of breast cancer. Ingredients: Orelletes Ingredients: 500 grams of flour 3 eggs 150 grams of sugar A tablespoon of lard ½ yeast envelope 100 mL of anise 100 mL of olive oil Lemon and orange zest Preparation: Beat the eggs well and add the flour, keep beating. Add the sugar and the liquor, little by little. Add the rest of the ingredients. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and reserve one hour. Flatten the dough, cut into rings and fry in hot oil. For the pastry cream: 100 cc of whole milk 50 grams of cornstarch 100 grams of sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon of sherry For the cream: ¼ liter of whipping cream50 grams of icing sugar How to prepare fried tarts with pastry cream and whipped cream: To prepare the pastry cream, dissolve the cornstarch in the milk and cook over low heat. Mix the sugar with the two eggs and add the cornstarch to the milk. Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Add the teaspoon of sherry. Keep stirring until it starts to boil. Remove from the heat and reserve, covering with plastic wrap. Prepare the whipped cream by beating it with the sugar. Reserve. Put the oil in a frying pan. When hot, fry the orelletes until golden brown on both sides. Drain the excess oil and reserve. Assemble the millefeuille. Take an orellete and cover it with a layer of cold pastry cream. Apply the whipped cream with a pastry bag and cover with another orellete. Repeat the process until the orelletes are finished. Decorate the lid with icing sugar and cream. Go ahead with this millefeuille of fried cakes with pastry cream and whipped cream. Preparing them will not take you long and you can enjoy a satisfying and delicious dessert.

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