LivingRecipesHomemade Banana Split Recipe

Homemade Banana Split Recipe

The Banana Split recipe with ice cream is a classic that we must try, a banana base that is fused with an ice cream in an original and delicious recipe. This delicacy that we see in movies or as a dessert in some restaurants must have a series of characteristics that we should not miss. The banana Split is one of those ice creams that invite you to share, the perfect excuse for a romantic dessert or the sweet that will end a dinner with friends and cocktails. Dare to try the original banana Split recipe, the result is worth it.


  • 400 grams of bananas for ice cream
  • Yogurt natural
  • 100 grams of strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 2 bananas
  • Fruits of our preference
  • A handful of cereals
  • A handful of nuts
  • Chocolate or caramel syrup
  • How to prepare a banana split with original ice cream

    1. We are going to prepare this recipe based on banana . We will use this ingredient to give the ice cream a higher intensity, as well as creaminess.
    2. We put a good amount of banana in the freezer , peel it and cut it into slices, we will leave a part outside the fridge to assemble this recipe.
    3. Banana is the base of any ice cream in summer . To make the strawberry one we will place the frozen banana with some fresh strawberries and a little yogurt.
    4. We mash until we have an impressive strawberry ice cream . We will repeat the operation with the cocoa.
    5. Instead of the strawberries we place the cocoa , in this way we will create a delicious homemade chocolate ice cream based on banana.
    6. To leave the ice cream without a flavor of nothing more than banana or with an incredible flavor and yogurt color, we put natural or Greek yogurt and we crush it, it will be delicious.
    7. To assemble this recipe we must have all the ice creams that we want to incorporate ready. We can buy them directly, one with cream, strawberries and chocolate.
    8. We will use two bananas to plate the ice cream . We peel them and cut them in half. We put in the center of the plate.
    9. We are covering the bananas with a scoop of each ice cream , it will give it a finish of color and wonderful joy.
    10. We put the final touches with nuts or chocolate syrup , in this way we will achieve a presentation of 10.
    11. With whipped cream we will also give you the joy you need in this recipe full of good sensations.
    12. Banana Split is a sweet that banana lovers and those who want to enjoy a natural and homemade sweet with hardly any sugar fall in love.


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