LivingRecipesWhat is kimchi?

What is kimchi?

Kimchi is one of the fashionable recipes thanks to David Muñoz and his famous croquettes has managed to popularize this Korean fermented cabbage. Behind this strange name is the secret of the famous chef croquettes, many will be surprised to discover what is behind this food, others may want to prepare it at home. Kimchi is part of those healthy recipes that take care of us inside and are not suitable for everyone. The most famous sauerkraut on the social networks preferred by influencers will change our lives, dare to try it. Ingredients: A large or two small Chinese cabbage A cup of coarse sea salt 5 cups or 1250 ml of water 150 g of Korean radish For the kimchi marinade or dressing: 1 tablespoon of sweet rice flour 4 tablespoons gochugaru, (Korea red chili powder) 2 fresh onions 1 carrot 4 garlic cloves Grated fresh ginger half a teaspoon Chopped apple One and a half tablespoons of fish sauce 1 ½ tablespoons of fish sauce Sesame seeds ½ cup of water How to prepare Kimchi Do not rush to When preparing this delicacy at home, it will take at least a week to have our perfectly fermented cabbage. We will get to work choosing the right cabbage, in this case a Chinese cabbage. We can use a conventional one, the taste is very similar, it changes the shape. We wash the cabbage and cut it into small pieces. We are going to put it in the drainer until it loses a little more water and is dry. With the raw material prepared, it is time to start fermentation. We look for a container in which the cabbage can fit.We are going to immerse it in 5 glasses of water and 3 tablespoons of salt, in this way it will begin to ferment, cover it well and let it macerate in the fridge overnight. We drain the cabbage that will have softened, it is the first step to obtain the fermentation we are looking for. Place part of the liquid and all of the kimchi dressing in a bowl. We put the cabbage in it and mix well. Cover again and wait about 6 days until the cabbage has fermented. At this point, you should know that the more days of fermentation, the more flavor. Dare with your homemade kimchi, the result if you like cabbage and fermented foods, you will love it and it is the healthiest. You can prepare David Muñoz’s croquettes at home.

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