LivingRecipesLingonberry kissel, a healthy and refreshing drink

Lingonberry kissel, a healthy and refreshing drink

Lingonberry kissel is a refreshing drink, not too sweet and not too sour, that kids love and adults love too. It is also very healthy, since the cooking method is one of the best ways to preserve the nutrients in blueberries. Would you like to try a delicious kissel, one hundred percent natural? Here’s how to do it, it’s very easy. A drink is called kissel, but it is also a dessert of Lithuanian origin (spanguolių kisielius) that is consumed in many European countries. It is similar to German rote grütze, Danish rødgrød, and Swedish blueberry-based blåbärssoppa, which can be served chilled in summer and hot in winter. It can also be accompanied with ice cream, with pancakes or prepare it more liquid, to make a drink, using this recipe. The amounts of corn or potato starch are what allow to regulate its viscosity to transform the drink into dessert and vice versa. Ingredients for 6 servings: 300 grams of blueberries 80 grams of sugar 1 liter of hot water 1 glass of cold water 50 grams of starch (potato or corn) Preparation: Place the clean blueberries in a bowl, pour the boiling water on top and let them marinate for a few minutes. Then drain them, transfer the fruit to the blender glass and blend until you get a red paste. Pour the contents into a saucepan, add the hot water and place it over medium heat until it begins to boil. As soon as it boils, remove it from the heat and filter it twice to obtain a red crystalline liquid. Pour the liquid back into a saucepan, add the sugar and bring it to a low heat.In a small bowl, add the starch and dissolve it with a few tablespoons of water. Lastly, add it to cooking and stir continuously until it starts to boil again. Remove from heat, transfer to a container with a lid, and let it rest before serving. To drink it cold, put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. If you prefer, you can drink it hot or increase the starch proportions for a blueberry jelly or a warm berry cream soup, ideal for winter. It depends on this if you will serve it in a glass, cup or glass, or if it is better to serve it in bowls and eat it with a spoon, like a jelly. Leave us your comments on the ways in which you have tried it. Share with your friends this popular recipe from many countries,

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