LivingRecipesVietnamese avocado and coconut milk smoothie

Vietnamese avocado and coconut milk smoothie

To start a busy day, there is nothing better than a breakfast that includes nutritious ingredients that provide energy . This is the case with this avocado and coconut milk smoothie, of Vietnamese origin. With this recipe you will get a satisfying cocktail, with which you can replace a full breakfast or take as a nutritious snack at any time of the day.

The combination of coconut milk and avocado is not only tasty, but both ingredients provide good fats , as well as a wide variety of nutrients that promote health, energy and physical performance.


  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ½ ripe avocado
  • 1 tablespoon of condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 4 or 5 ice cubes
  • preparation:

    1. Cut the avocado, extract half of the pulp and chop it.
    2. In the blender glass, place the ice and crush it.
    3. Add the chopped avocado, the whipped coconut milk, the condensed milk, and the honey. Leche de coco
    4. Beat until smooth.
    5. Serve and enjoy.

    Benefits of avocado and coconut milk smoothie

    Coconut milk is one of the best bases you can use for smoothies, as it is not only very nutritious, but also contains lauric acid, an extremely healthy fat.

    This medium chain fatty acid is easily absorbed by the body, which uses it as an energy source . In addition, it is considered a protector of the heart, as it helps reduce cholesterol levels and has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

    Studies have shown that the medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut milk increase energy expenditure and deliver nutrients to the muscles, helping to improve physical performance. One of its contributions is electrolytes (such as magnesium and potassium), which help repair tissues and promote muscle growth.

    Avocado, meanwhile, is another optimal nutrient; It provides a great contribution of healthy fats and improves the absorption of nutrients, among other multiple benefits: it is anti-inflammatory, regulates blood pressure, blood sugar and is good for the skin.

    It is worth increasing your consumption of these two foods. And an easy and tasty way to consume them together is with a smoothie . This version of a Vietnamese smoothie also includes a touch of honey, for a creamy and sweet consistency, just right.

    Did you like this avocado and coconut milk smoothie? Leave us your comments. Share this energy shake recipe on your social networks. Everyone will want to try it.

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